10.4mil alliance to replace a member, AQ5555, 3 tier 3 AW per week, 4.5k prestige

Alliance Name: Legends Of The Realm
Alliance Tag: LOTR1

AQ: 5x5 with starting prestige ~4.6k
AW: 3 wars per week in tier 3
Events: We dont set minimums but we always get all milestones, so we expect everyone to do carry his weight

-At least 5 r5 champs to have +4.5k prestige (preferably 1 r4 5*)
-Active each day and able to communicate (we use line app)
-Donations: 134K gold, 30K BC, 12.5K loyalty each week

How to join:
Take a screenshot of ur mastery setup and top 20 champs and send them to the following line id along with ur ign, ur timezone and any questions u have.

Line ID: MEE2day


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