Compensate for ANY and EVERY ongoing events

Hi Team,
Mods are hesitant even to address the concern, reply users with some sort of an explanation (usually BS). No amount of compensation can possible compensate for the loss of time and effort. Events include AQ,AW, Arena, Rocket scrap and other solo + alliance milestone events. Build a service that you can cater to. This will not only affect Mcoc but other Kabam games in terms of reputation.
Avid gamer


  • CPOD1CPOD1 Member Posts: 1
    What bothers me is Voodoo. I took off from work so that I could grind him. I knew it would be a huge number and I have never went for the feature before because of the time sink, but I decided to go for it. So I come home and log in and...nothing. SO now I not only am frustrated, but feel like a total fool. Oh and the Aw we are in will go without my help as well as AQ starting today.

  • DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
    Wait wait wait...CPOD1 you actually took a day off work for a mobile game? Haven't you heard of a toilet cubicle? What's they saying, Work Poo Play :)
  • Bluewings99Bluewings99 Member Posts: 7
    @Dongowarrior Clearly you're not aware of the split up between break time and actual work hours in a typical shift, based on the job type
  • DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
    @Bluewing99 I run my own business so it's pretty easy for me to play this game all day :wink:
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    Gold relm
  • KG808KG808 Member Posts: 6
    I have my own office...easy to hide. I'm pissed. It's Friday, my boss is out and I can't even play the game.
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey OP. I'm really sorry that you're having login issues on your Android device. Since we have a lot of repeat posts about this, I'm going to make this thread the main post for this issue. I'll be closing your post now. Thanks so much for your patience!
This discussion has been closed.