How often do you use Cull Obsidian?

Just curious how much he gets used since the nerf
Edit; i hit enter trying to get to option 3 and it posted.
Comment if you rarely or never use him since the "balance"
Edit; i hit enter trying to get to option 3 and it posted.
Comment if you rarely or never use him since the "balance"
How often do you use Cull Obsidian? 91 votes
I don’t think I’ve used him since then.
Dr. Zola
54% to 34% and then down to 13% from the energy after the last hit. One sp3 and an RoL fight is over - that's damage.
For my last hoorah, I took him down memory lane and it was a fun and fast ordeal. Did the entire oath and ended with 90% health thanks to NF+pool synergy. Swapped HB in instead of Guardian for the extra fury too.
Peace out MCOC!
Most he's useful for is potion farming in ROL
I used mine in a Cav EQ I think in Dec? Otherwise, no. Have better options.
(And Namor is hardly ever used as well.)
he's garbage