I have a sig200 6r4 Void and 6r3 unawakened S2099. Void doesn't really need the ranking, he's fine for pretty much all content at r2, especially if he's at a high sig. He has a high healthpool, solid utility, and good damage that really isn't affected all that much by the additional ranks. S2099, however, benefits a lot more since he has a lower base healthpool and is more reliant on actually hitting the opponent to deal damage.
Fr the most part u'll be using void fr his utility & that he cn provide just as well at R2, specially if he is at a high sig level SM2099 IMO needs that extra attack & health boost, so it makes more sense to go with him
What sig is void?
SM2099 IMO needs that extra attack & health boost, so it makes more sense to go with him
I have a 5* 200 sig void r5