AQ/AW Objective Setting

AburaeesAburaees Member Posts: 514 ★★★
Given that coordination is key to clearing some maps, and alliances have typically resorted to the use of other platforms like Line/Discord, which not many people want to do at lower tiers, shouldn’t leaders have in game functions that help with coordination?

For example, nobody just turned up at Normandy and went straight for the fully linked up miniboss. People were given missions and objectives by commanding officers.

I would like leadership to be able to set objectives for alliance members, e.g. assign a path and link it to the AW solo rewards.

I would also like the ability to set locks on paths that get unlocked when someone takes a path that leadership has identified as a priority.

One does not simply walk into Mordor.

Who’s with me?

AQ/AW Objective Setting 6 votes

Yes to configurable path locks
LordSmasher 1 vote
Yes to assignments/objectives
MutantA___4444 1 vote
Yes to both
FurrymoosenAburaeesYodabolt21Mordoman 4 votes
No to both


  • AburaeesAburaees Member Posts: 514 ★★★
    Yes to both
    A practical example: locking the outer paths on map 5, so they’re only taken once the important paths have been taken.
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,618 ★★★★★
    Yes to both
    I am am fortunate to have 30 active members in our alliance on the same chat app, but before that, it was a NIGHTMARE to try to get people to stick to right paths etc... The easy solution is "just kick them", but that isn't quite fair either. Being able to assign paths in AQ and AW would be a HUGE HELP to all officers and leaders. The bg assignment was wonderful addition and did help, but just that little extra step from Kabam would be a massive win for the entire player base (that are in alliances anyway).
  • AburaeesAburaees Member Posts: 514 ★★★
    Yes to both

    I am am fortunate to have 30 active members in our alliance on the same chat app, but before that, it was a NIGHTMARE to try to get people to stick to right paths etc... The easy solution is "just kick them", but that isn't quite fair either. Being able to assign paths in AQ and AW would be a HUGE HELP to all officers and leaders. The bg assignment was wonderful addition and did help, but just that little extra step from Kabam would be a massive win for the entire player base (that are in alliances anyway).

    It seems to me that players with the right behaviours are drawn to the higher tiers, and it’s hard to find such people who are also willing to help build/strengthen an alliance.
    Therefore I feel that tools designed to nudge and influence people who are learning the ropes would help a lot.
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