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Act 6 help

NH2NH2 Posts: 27
edited February 2022 in Strategy and Tips
I am in 6.1.5 but I don’t know who to use. I have ghost r5 5* but no wasp. I only have two ideas which is apoc who after 8 seconds, gain poison immune and cap marvel movie who has poison immune but is undupe. Apoc is r4 and cap marvel is r1 lvl . If there is anyone else let me know here is my roster

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


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    AtomixX33AtomixX33 Posts: 63
    apoc doesn't have poison immunity, only bleed and incinerate. I recommend using ghost even without wasp because you need to play patiently and no sp 2 just medium and light light light and bait his sp 1's. The node makes it that the only way to gain power is via his powerbar( when he has 1 bar of power you have 1 bar ,when he has 2 you have 2 but if he uses it, you also lose your power). practice against WS in realm of legend with ghost by just baiting his sp 1 and no sp of your own. once you feel confident try to take crossbones.
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    NuttyJokeNuttyJoke Posts: 53
    Dude ur having Bwcv
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    NH2NH2 Posts: 27
    Well poop I just did it and I had to learn it out the hard way that apoc is not poison immune :/ lit spent 3
    Lvl 2 revives thinking that poison killed me too fast
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    NH2NH2 Posts: 27
    And yes thanks for the tips Atomix
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