Is this roster good enough for becoming uncollected?

So here after grinding a lot I was able to improve my roster a lot and have been aiming for uncollected for a while but just to confirm if this will be okay cause I don't really want to waste a lot of units in revives and all...and yes... I've 100 percented act 4 so there's nothing to grind there except for exp I I'm listing all my 5 and 4 star champs...any suggestions like which champ would be good in act 5 ot like which one should I rank and strategy,...or should I wait and improve my roster even more, etc will be much appreciated. Thank You


  • KumarAnsh67KumarAnsh67 Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2022
    Any suggestions will be much appreciated and also I'm really sorry as the images I uploaded are not in an organised way... don't know I tried but...and also I'm new to forums so...I hope you all understand. :)
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    The main thing that becomes hard in Act 5 is that it introduces a lot of new and tricky nodes. You have one that heals the opponent whenever you put a debuff on them (and removes that debuff from them) and another that, reversely, heals them whenever you gain a buff (and removes said buff from you). Both have a slight cooldown.

    The trick is to learn to play around those nodes. When the occasional debuff heals them, don't place any debuffs (or place so many that you overwhelm them anyway). When you heal them whenever you gain a buff, don't gain buffs or gain so many that you, again, overwhelm them anyway.

    There are some champs that are objectively good or bad for one or the other of those nodes, but for the most part it is mostly a question of learning to adapt to the nodes rather than having specific counters. I remember going really slowly through Act 5, fighting and re-fighting the first opponent whenever there was a new and difficult node. That way, I learned how to play around the node which made the rest of the quest much easier when I eventually pressed on. But that's my main advice for saving potions, revives and units - don't press on before you're comfortable with the node. The quests are fairly long, meaning there are a lot of fights where you have to go up against those nodes. If you're not ready for them, you're going to burn through your resources quickly (that was a mistake I made back in the day). If you are ready, however, you won't need nearly as many revives etc.

    As for champions, I think you should be fine. I think I made my way through with mostly 4*s and you have a very good selection of those. You also have some amazing 5*s. But as I said, it's not really a question of who you have in your roster but how well you can utilize them.

    Good luck!
  • KumarAnsh67KumarAnsh67 Member Posts: 3
    @Ercarret Thanks a lot mate for this vast explaination I was in need for something like this only cause I have little knowledge about nodes and all and of course I've heard nearly everybody say that even Beyond God Tier champs are sometimes useless against certain nodes and all...and I just started touching 5.1 and in the quests I got to learn about some nodes where opponents take no damage from basic attacks but only from specials and since sunspot's sp2 damage is insanely high he was extremely useful in matchups like I kind of get now what exactly nodes mean here...and so you have explained it so well that I think I can now plan a strategy and ne finally prepared... I'll do the same as you said about refighting the opponents to learn different nodes and also their counters...aslo I believe I kind of get that a certain champ's counter may not be efficiently it's node counter too from your explaination...and I'll surely keep that in mind and plan ahead so of course I don't run out of resources as you said....Thanks again for giving your time here...I highly appreciate it!🙂
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