Blade’s… interesting ability! (Clearificarion requested)

40% AAR that ignites immunities against mystical that ignores immunities.
For clearificarion: does this mean that Ghost Rider and Dormommu CAN suffer from bleeds?
Also what about Mephisto?
Immunity to ability reduction
40% ability reduction ignores immunities
This kind of also brings up another question of AAR vs Glancing which seems to flip flop between glancing taking priority and plot armor taking priority
Bleed immunities are not changed, so Blade will not be able to bleed people like Dormammu or Ghost Rider.
Plus them being magic I’m SURE Kabam would LOVE to make an excuse for them to bleed
Question is ,why isn't blade consuming power to regain ?
I did… like most new characters, without being able to actually test them for yourself, it made ZERO sense!