I tried fighting The Grandmaster and didn't end well lol

So I said to myself might as well test fighting him the first time, brought Doom, Apoc, Prof X, Nick and Colossus.
Down the Tenacity Path (Opportunist) Doom was my workhorse, used Apoc on Heimdall, Hela & Carnage for the charges and he also good for the path as he counters Tenacity.
Got the GM down to 83% before my champs all K.O.ed (did not bother reviving as I only want to get a feel of the fight).
I was a scrub doing intercept so didn't get much Token of Competence.
So my question if I suck at intercepts, Phase 1 will probably be the hardest for me right?
Cause in Phase 2 if I fail an intercept challenge, I can just take the blunder and still earn competence from other challenges and it also is random might get lucky and just promp few intercepts challenges.
For Phase 3 Prof X got it covered.
Moving forward got an idea on how to fight GM (after watching some GM fights)
might also change some of the champs I bring except Doom, ProfX and Colossus which will be essential.
Got 15 Lvl1 revives now and 515 units, will continue farming and saving units til I got 2k units maybe, and still waiting on 6x T4 Mutant Catalysts to r3 my 6* Colossus once this all is done.
Will fight him again once I'm ready, In a good mood and focused.
Thanks for all your advices, the fight is no that bad as it seems but I got overwhelmed by GM's presence and the first time fighting him.
So my core team will be
Prof X
Who should be my 4th and 5th man that will be of much help in phase 2?
Bald Kingpin
Bald Nick.
Down the Tenacity Path (Opportunist) Doom was my workhorse, used Apoc on Heimdall, Hela & Carnage for the charges and he also good for the path as he counters Tenacity.
Got the GM down to 83% before my champs all K.O.ed (did not bother reviving as I only want to get a feel of the fight).
I was a scrub doing intercept so didn't get much Token of Competence.
So my question if I suck at intercepts, Phase 1 will probably be the hardest for me right?
Cause in Phase 2 if I fail an intercept challenge, I can just take the blunder and still earn competence from other challenges and it also is random might get lucky and just promp few intercepts challenges.
For Phase 3 Prof X got it covered.
Moving forward got an idea on how to fight GM (after watching some GM fights)
might also change some of the champs I bring except Doom, ProfX and Colossus which will be essential.
Got 15 Lvl1 revives now and 515 units, will continue farming and saving units til I got 2k units maybe, and still waiting on 6x T4 Mutant Catalysts to r3 my 6* Colossus once this all is done.
Will fight him again once I'm ready, In a good mood and focused.
Thanks for all your advices, the fight is no that bad as it seems but I got overwhelmed by GM's presence and the first time fighting him.
So my core team will be
Prof X
Who should be my 4th and 5th man that will be of much help in phase 2?
Bald Kingpin
Bald Nick.