i know hercules is BGT, but i think his immortality is being overrated

i know some(or many) may disagree with me. just stating my opinion after ranking up and playing with my 5r5 sig 40 herc. so here we go

wont die if struck by basic attacks/sp1/sp2.
wont die from dot effects as long as you are immortal.
staying unblockable so you can penetrate enemies block easily
can be paused during basic attack and your special attacks

cons: doesnt pause during enemies special attack, so you still have to bait special attacks costing immortality to fade away slowly.
doesnt gain any health after immortality ends, making you one touch away from death.
it's not passive so it can easiliy be nullified.

i've seen many people saying that this is the best utility in the game. while i totally disagree with this, i see this as only a safeguard. like if you get clipped by a huge sp2, you still have a chance to clear the fight and that's all. if you want him for another fight you still need to use potions. yes for the first time it released, it was very good since you could take sp3 aswell. it's still a good utility afterwards, not the best utility in the game. even when i compared his immortality to hulk's, i find hulk's immortality more beneficial the herc. dont get me wrong, he is BGT, can clear many lanes, but that's not because of his immortality. hope i made myself clear


  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    Yeah I agree. His immortality should be even more powerful than it already is.


    It’s amazing - but I don’t think people overrate it. At least, not most people. Considering most other champs would be dead at that point, you could survive for multiple fights after that, completely itemless. Plus like a previous user said, suicides are constantly healing you, so if you finish a fight, you can usually take a parry or two in the next fight to get some openings before triggering that immortality timer.

    I used him a bunch in act 7.3. If I played with most of my champs like I did with herc on some paths, they’d die by fight number 3 ish. Herc could do the entire path. This was on a few occasions.

    Not of course, it’s not like he’s immortal forever, but you can get a pretty good length out of it, often getting to 40 seconds to a minute. (I’ve managed to get it to last 3 mins in ROL and 4 mins in this month’s side quest).

  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,134 ★★★
    I think the immortality saves at least a revive each time and it adds up in the long run. I was fighting Legendary SQ Sup Iron Man and did really bad. Hit immortality when he has 66% health. I managed to defeat him just before the immortality finish. So I saved at least 1 revive and maybe some health potions already.
    The other thing I like is that he get indestructible for 4secs after SP3, so I try to push the opponent to SP3 as well and then I take no damage (unless they do SP3 me right away, or their SP3 stuns you)
    It is a bit annoying when I got nullified by Tigra every time at last month’s SQ…
    What I thought was odd is that I was fighting Hercules in arena with Storm and for some reason he didn’t trigger immortality and got KO. I was saving up for a SP 3 for him.
    Still a lot to learn for me and sorry to waffle on a bit as well…
  • Nightkiller7314Nightkiller7314 Member Posts: 117
    edited February 2022
    Maratox said:

    “Pros: can’t die. Cons: if you aren’t good enough to kill the opponent in the incredibly long uptime, you die”

    Are you looking for a permanent passive immortality that’s not affected by AAR?

    That’s like saying Kitty’s phasing is overrated because you don’t take damage when it’s up but you do take damage when it’s down

    i think you didnt understand what i was trying to say. it's ok to bait special attacks but afterwards you dont gain any health.
  • Nightkiller7314Nightkiller7314 Member Posts: 117
    also as i said, i dont run suicides, so yes for people who do, it can help a lot. but for me it doesnt.
  • Nightkiller7314Nightkiller7314 Member Posts: 117

    Maratox said:

    “Pros: can’t die. Cons: if you aren’t good enough to kill the opponent in the incredibly long uptime, you die”

    Are you looking for a permanent passive immortality that’s not affected by AAR?

    That’s like saying Kitty’s phasing is overrated because you don’t take damage when it’s up but you do take damage when it’s down

    i think you didnt understand what i was trying to say. it's ok to bait special attacks but afterwards you dont gain any health.
  • Nightkiller7314Nightkiller7314 Member Posts: 117
    all i'm trying to say, it's not the best in game, but a really good addition to this character.
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★

    all i'm trying to say, it's not the best in game, but a really good addition to this character.

    Then who’s immortality is best in the game?
  • CorkscrewCorkscrew Member Posts: 547 ★★★
    You're forgetting high tier war... even war in general. Where a death can mean the difference between a win and a loss. The fact you can avoid the KO is a big big deal.
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    Maratox said:

    all i'm trying to say, it's not the best in game, but a really good addition to this character.

    Then who’s immortality is best in the game?
    ihulk's might be good, but I'm absolutely sure that people don't use him in the same vein as herc
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    Add more sigs, there’s 2.8 seconds extra at 200. Doesn’t sound like a heap but can make a big difference.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Ihuls immortality is nowhere near the the quality and utility of herc
  • CosmicGuardianCosmicGuardian Member Posts: 408 ★★★
    I don’t really think that Ihluk’s immortality is better than Herc’s. Sure, Ihulk gains some health back afterwards, but he has no way to prolong his immortality, plus if for some reason you don’t have 15 gamma built up, he won’t trigger his immortality, which can sometimes happen if you trigger it in back to back fights. Herc may not be able to regenerate any health unless running suicides, but it has such a long uptime that you don’t really need that regen.
  • Nightkiller7314Nightkiller7314 Member Posts: 117
    Corkscrew said:

    You're forgetting high tier war... even war in general. Where a death can mean the difference between a win and a loss. The fact you can avoid the KO is a big big deal.

    well i think people use assassin's mastery there so... doubt it
  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,193 ★★★★★
    His immortality is so good that you can go into a completely wild node combination and just say screw it and do as much damage as possible in as little time as possible and still do pretty freakin well…if not win the fight
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    The main thing is that, the things you can do while Herc's Immortality is present, is BGT. The drawbacks are there to ensure there is some semblance of counters.

    While Herc immortality can be affected by SP3, AAR or nullification, or long defender specials, these drawbacks are all in the name of game balance. If these counters didn't exist, and you had to fight against a Hercules defender, that would be pretty frustrating to fight against.

    All Immortality/Indestructible type mechanics have limitations and counters, otherwise it would be unfair. You could list the cons/drawbacks of the other champions, and your post would still be the same X champion's immortality is overrated.

    Aside from iHulk, no other champion's immortality/indestructible mechanic regens their health. Based on that logic, Corvus Glaive's immortality is worse since his damage drops off and you're dancing around at 1 health until the cooldown period is over.

  • DualityCopeDualityCope Member Posts: 436 ★★★
    edited February 2022
    It's not overrated in the slightest. It's one of the most broken things in the game. And it makes hercules much much better.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,668 ★★★★
    i don't play immortality hulk enough, but i think his immortality can be triggered as many times it takes as long the persisten charge critcera is meet?
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  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,418 ★★★★★
    Corkscrew said:

    You're forgetting high tier war... even war in general. Where a death can mean the difference between a win and a loss. The fact you can avoid the KO is a big big deal.

    Assassin mastery says hi
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Play More Passive then or Build to SP3 for Indestructible
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    It turns a 0 second fight into a 20+ second fight with a high damage character.

    Even if you die you can revive and last way longer then any other champ in the game.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    I agree with what this post is about, i disagree with the execution. Nullify was the go 2 when people disregard hercs immortality as it’s not passive like ihulks or corvus. The unique feature about hercules and his immortality is that he also goes unblockable and can pause the duration of his immortality based on how aggressive you play, which is easy with unblockable. Is this his most important piece of utility? I wouldn’t say it is as long as you play like any other champ and nuke down the opponent with his burst damage, but it’s nice to have if you slip up. Besides, nullify isn’t even that common tbh unless you are fighting mystics, of which herc doesn’t need his immortality for. I also don’t think players that use herc would enter a fight at 1% clinging onto immortality against a doctor doom, or a really specific node.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I was thinking along your lines until I got the hang of his immortality, after which I immediately switched over to the other side and found it to be one of the most impressive pieces of utility in the game. I was in AQ and reached the boss. No one was going to reach him before the timer ended but he still had all but one node up and I knew that any champion I brought in would just die in mere moments.

    Well, enter Hercules. I brought him in, and sure enough, his health just dwindled away thanks to various damaging debuffs and other ****, but when he reached 1% he just went into absolute overdrive. Not only could he not be killed no matter what, he was also fully unblockable and as long as I completed feats, he also had increased offensive power gain. I just laid into the boss without a care in the world, and when he reached three bars of power I simply just ran into him again and again thanks to my unblockable attacks. I threw my SP2, which stunned him for quite a while, which allowed me to charge into him even more.

    I was a bit lucky at times that he didn't throw his SP3 during the minuscule openings I left him as I backdraft-intercepted again and again, but Hercules just nuked him down to about 7% health in one impressive go. Then he finally got off his SP3 and that was the end of Herc, but the remaining health was nothing I couldn't sort out with my two other champions.

    The amount of damage you can deal while not having to worry about dying is absolutely insane. Plus, as others have said, with suicides and willpower, you'll heal up during your immortality. I've healed up from 1% to more or less full health throughout a quest. Obviously you have to have those masteries and it's not an intrinsic part of his kit, but it's there.
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