Hercules is now awakened
This was my first 6 star awakening gem, and there couldn't have been many better options(Angela was tempting, I must admit).
Being the lazy f2p player that I am, I was initially disappointed at seeing a very good deal that I wouldn't be able to get. But the drive to dupe my Herc was too great, and I was comforted by the fact that I had grinded 500 units in one day some months back to pick up the mastery deal.
For those curious, the units came from 100% act 3, several of the act 7 unit paths, all the milestones in the basic, most of the milestones in trials, and a few milestones in featured.
Gave him the romance sigs, all my generics and cosmics(not a lot). He's definitely getting all the applicable sigs I get for a while.
@Hera1d_of_Ga1actus and @WayWorn2525 because they saw my last post
Good luck to @_Sham_ and everyone else grinding away, presumably towards the awakening gem.