Just pulled a 5* captain marvel (movie). What to do?

I don’t have any synergy to match her with, I also have 7,000 6* shards. Not sure if I should wait for more shards and hope I get a good 6*. Thoughts? Also, any strategies to pull more 6* shards?
Concentrate on getting 5-Stars for now.
She's still worth a rank up especially for monthly eq and incursions. Ramped up CMM is my no. 1 option for quickly bursting through UC eq. Pop a cosmic power boost and incursion fights end so quickly.
Each of those champs do vastly different things and all are good. Not knowing where you are, skill level, or anything else, I'd rank voodoo for his Regen and nullify and power control since he's duped.
If you can avoid getting hit, I'd do Guilly 2099.
And if you don't have an evade counter or Thing/electro counter, I'd go falcon.