Magik in AW

Is there going to be anything done to adjust her. I know there r several champs that can bypass or reduce limbo but it happens almost everytime she gains a bar of power and she's almost always on the boss node. The old God tier champs were nerfed for the exact same reason so why is she any different?
Yeah, I know there are ways around it, even to use another magik but her on that boss node makes her way to OP. Plus it goes back to what kabam was trying g to get rid of in 12.0 patch of everyone using the same champ for everything or having to have a specific champ to to clear an area.
Yeah but that's a money grab. I guess it's just frustrating and I know I'm not alone to not take a single hit and be killed by an ability.
then you're doing it wrong. learn how to beat her instead of asking kabam to change her for you since she isn't much of a problem anymore.
I know several ways to fight her so that's not the issue or what my post was even about. Learning away around a champs ability has never been the issue with this game it's the unbalancing that's still an issue. Although it has gotten better.
the point is it isn't imbalanced.
if you know there are ways around her limbo ability and you're not using them, then that's on you.
He's right though. Archangel makes her quite easy to beat. Magik can power lock her making easy work of her too. Both of those options make it possible to kill her without generating lots of kills.
And it really is not a big money grab because using potions is really not an issue with the newer war format. The nodes are very simple.