sig 60 Cable (with 6 star rank 3 Apocalypse for synergies)
cable is amazing with apoc. not only does cable benefit a lot from the synergy, but having cable on the team essentially eliminates the multi-fight ramp up of apoc
sig 60 Cable (with 6 star rank 3 Apocalypse for synergies)
Cable, apoc, white mags (all rank 3) is probably my most used team. Makes apoc's sp2 almost as good as CGR's. It's that bonkers.
Plus, makes cable regen from suicides with willpower and his degen is genuinely up there with the best dot damage in game. It's insane.
Both have easy access to concussion too, which is increasingly useful.
And white mags is over of the best synergy spare wheels going.
If you use apoc a lot, try him with cable and white mags (you could add profx too) against winter soldier. You'll laugh at the OP nature of the damage.
Then you'll try cable at r3 and realise that there's a match to it.
Plus, makes cable regen from suicides with willpower and his degen is genuinely up there with the best dot damage in game. It's insane.
Both have easy access to concussion too, which is increasingly useful.
And white mags is over of the best synergy spare wheels going.
If you use apoc a lot, try him with cable and white mags (you could add profx too) against winter soldier. You'll laugh at the OP nature of the damage.
Then you'll try cable at r3 and realise that there's a match to it.
Honestly, cable and don't look back.