Yellowjacket Power Sting Bug Against Mystics

21Eggatron21Eggatron Member Posts: 104 ★★★
edited February 2022 in Bugs and Known Issues
For those of you unfamiliar with how Yellowjacket works, his Power Sting is applied differently with the Special 1 against mystics, where it applies as soon as the Special is activated rather than on contact (like red Magneto against #metal) and is paused until after the Special (or at least it's supposed to). Well, my buddy recently took his to r2 and in the video he sent the Power Sting against Juggernaut seemed shorter. I tried it out with my own (6 Star R1 Sig 20) and sure enough; they weren't starting paused. I haven't played around with Yellowjacket enough to tell you when this bug started, but it's been at least 4 or 5 months because I've noticed this issue before but never knew they were supposed to start paused until I reread his description.
I've got a Samsung Galaxy A70 Android 11. I'm with Telus, issue happens with WiFi and on Data.
(Side note, Crossbones is still bugged; still consumes a Fury when intercepting or countering Specials or Heavy attacks; supposedly fixed months ago but it isn't, so if a dev sees this, timeline?)
(PS: apparently can't directly post this in Bugs and Known Issues because I am not allowed to post attachments in this category???)
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