Random nodes I thought of for fun

Was just thinking about some random nodes. Just made this because I was bored lol
1. Power Troubles - Attackers buffs gained are multiplied by 3, (ex. one 5 second power gain is turned into three 5 second power gains) but all of the attackers buffs have -20% duration and potency. Additionally, all of the attackers attacks have -35% attack rating.
2. Complete Chaos - Every hit from both the attacker and defender apply a random debuff that lasts for 2.5 seconds on the opponent, and also give a random buff that lasts for 1.5 second on the champion who landed the attack.
3. Juggernaut - Defender gains -75% power, but is permanently unstoppable. If the unstoppable is nullified, the defender will gain 20% of their max power every second for 5 seconds. Every time the defender uses a special move, if the unstoppable is gone, it will come back.
4. Tactical Defenses - When the attacker or defender hit into the other champions block, that hit has 150% recoil. Damage from this node can not kill a champion, but will instead put them at 1hp.
5. Side Effects - Whenever the attacker or defender gain a debuff that they are immune to, they gain a weakness debuff lowering their attack by 20% for the duration of the original debuff instead.
6. Contagious Conditions - The attacker starts with an indefinite Coldsnap, Incinerate, Bleed, and Poison debuffs, each dealing 0.25% of the attackers maximum health every second. However, every one of these debuffs has a 8% chance of going onto the enemy champion every hit that the holder lands. Once the defender has one of these, they can also transfer them back to the attacker.
7. Power Gift - Every hit the attacker lands on the defender will give the attacker an indefinite fury buff, giving them +1% attack for all their attacks. However, when the attacker is hit by the defender, all of the furies are given to the defender.
8. Blackout - Stuns on the attacker have +100% duration, lower regeneration rate by 50%, and lower armor rate by 75% for the duration of the stun. When the attacker recovers from the stun, they get an armor up buff for 10 seconds giving them +100% armor. If the attacker is stunned again while having this armor up buff, it is turned into an indefinite armor break debuff giving the defender -150% armor rating.
9. Brutal Judgement - Every hit the attacker of defender lands gives them an indefinite fury, giving them +5% attack, and an indefinite armor break debuff lowering their armor rating by 10%.
10. Painful Intermission - After every special attack from the attacker or defender, both champions are stunned for 5 seconds. Damage from debuffs are doubled during this time. Strikers may be used during the duration of the stun.
Hope you guys liked at least some of these. Just wanted to get some silly ideas of my head. Have a good day all!
1. Power Troubles - Attackers buffs gained are multiplied by 3, (ex. one 5 second power gain is turned into three 5 second power gains) but all of the attackers buffs have -20% duration and potency. Additionally, all of the attackers attacks have -35% attack rating.
2. Complete Chaos - Every hit from both the attacker and defender apply a random debuff that lasts for 2.5 seconds on the opponent, and also give a random buff that lasts for 1.5 second on the champion who landed the attack.
3. Juggernaut - Defender gains -75% power, but is permanently unstoppable. If the unstoppable is nullified, the defender will gain 20% of their max power every second for 5 seconds. Every time the defender uses a special move, if the unstoppable is gone, it will come back.
4. Tactical Defenses - When the attacker or defender hit into the other champions block, that hit has 150% recoil. Damage from this node can not kill a champion, but will instead put them at 1hp.
5. Side Effects - Whenever the attacker or defender gain a debuff that they are immune to, they gain a weakness debuff lowering their attack by 20% for the duration of the original debuff instead.
6. Contagious Conditions - The attacker starts with an indefinite Coldsnap, Incinerate, Bleed, and Poison debuffs, each dealing 0.25% of the attackers maximum health every second. However, every one of these debuffs has a 8% chance of going onto the enemy champion every hit that the holder lands. Once the defender has one of these, they can also transfer them back to the attacker.
7. Power Gift - Every hit the attacker lands on the defender will give the attacker an indefinite fury buff, giving them +1% attack for all their attacks. However, when the attacker is hit by the defender, all of the furies are given to the defender.
8. Blackout - Stuns on the attacker have +100% duration, lower regeneration rate by 50%, and lower armor rate by 75% for the duration of the stun. When the attacker recovers from the stun, they get an armor up buff for 10 seconds giving them +100% armor. If the attacker is stunned again while having this armor up buff, it is turned into an indefinite armor break debuff giving the defender -150% armor rating.
9. Brutal Judgement - Every hit the attacker of defender lands gives them an indefinite fury, giving them +5% attack, and an indefinite armor break debuff lowering their armor rating by 10%.
10. Painful Intermission - After every special attack from the attacker or defender, both champions are stunned for 5 seconds. Damage from debuffs are doubled during this time. Strikers may be used during the duration of the stun.
Hope you guys liked at least some of these. Just wanted to get some silly ideas of my head. Have a good day all!