Player needed for AQ map 5,4 or 3.

mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★
Chill, but still competitive alliance is looking for 1 new member UC or above.
We are focused on AQ, and don't do much AW. If you are looking for a humorous and family friendly alliance, you found us.
We require Line app for communication.

If you are looking to semi-retire, this is the place. We have members with ratings from 200k to 2.2m.

Line ID: mortenhy
In game: Morten Høy

We get between 130m - 140m each week in AQ without any stress, and due to the different timezones, we usually have completed map 5 10 hours before it's you can relax for the rest of the should be able to do either map 5, 4, or 3.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Cheers mates.


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