6* Angela, 5* Medusa (Awakened) or 5* Hyperion (UNawakened)

Sean_GrizzySean_Grizzy Member Posts: 119
I recently got a 6* Angela & have heard she's pretty legit, but my 5* Hype is maxed out (but not duped/awakened) and I just duped my 5* Medusa yesterday & I've heard she's a badass when awakened. Who should I focus on and/or use most often???

6* Angela, 5* Medusa (Awakened) or 5* Hyperion (UNawakened) 19 votes

6* Angela (Unawakened)
causticScreaminghawkJustAGuy 3 votes
5* Medusa (Awakened)
Cosmosurfer20000casual0Barani7daqm44LBN1willrun4adonutZAHIDMALIK1588GrassKnuckles 8 votes
5* Hyperion (Unawakened)
bryce7mAdvThoye3ShiroiharaBe_SomebodyScarcity27Gunner14RatedSViper 8 votes


  • Sean_GrizzySean_Grizzy Member Posts: 119
    Medusa & Hype seem to be neck-and-neck. Would anyone care to give me some insight into why they chose who they chose? I don't have a lot of experience playing with Medusa, is she a challenging attacker? Hype is one of the easiest play styles I've encountered in the game, I just wish he was awakened.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,808 ★★★★★
    5* Medusa (Awakened)
    I choose Medusa because she has a more forgiving play style. When she has three furies, she gains auto block (and usually stubs then because I assume you have the party mastery). So if I slip up, at high sigs I only take one hit. She also is a great at shutting down robots with her armor shatter . With Hyperion not being duped, his buffs just don't last as long. As soon as you dupe him, though, I'd switch to Hyperion.
  • 0casual00casual0 Member Posts: 457 ★★★
    5* Medusa (Awakened)
    I voted for Medusa because she is my first ever 5r5. I had doubt at first with her but she helped through completing and exploring Act 5 as well as push me through Cavalier. As @willrun4adonut said, she got a forgiving playstyle with that autoblock. She is also my go to robot counter. Armor shattered them and then spam heavy in the corner, rinse and repeat. Her bleed is also underrated. After you armor shattered the defender, use SP2 and you will get a nasty bleed.

    She is still my main option when it comes to Cosmic (although Herc is about to take over that spot). But yeah Medusa just hold a special place in my roster. LONG LIVE THE QUEEN MEDUSA!
  • Sean_GrizzySean_Grizzy Member Posts: 119
    Lol well I seriously appreciate both of your inputs. I'm going to rank up Medusa & switch her out with Hype to see how I perform with her. Thanks for the advice!!
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,808 ★★★★★
    edited February 2022
    5* Medusa (Awakened)
    Let us it goes.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,808 ★★★★★
    5* Medusa (Awakened)
    Let us know how it goes.
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