R3 decision. Kingpin , Mole or Shang ?

Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
edited February 2022 in Strategy and Tips
I joined a new plat 4 ally for next season , pushing plat 3 this season. I am a path 9 player . Who deserves r3 the most outta these 3 ?? I already have Mole as 5/65 . This decision is not just for war but for general questing too.

R3 decision. Kingpin , Mole or Shang ? 47 votes

DrZolaJuggerNotCyporgIvarTheBonelessPrentexShiroiharaXguard77DracarusDa_MonstrousityCap45willrun4adonut 11 votes
pseudosaneMoosetiptronicRockypantherxHector_1475CorkscrewSpideyFunkoJorn0casual0SpecMYodabolt21Noise72SirGamesBondCaptain_MonticaAverageDesiLucifireFire_3RatedSViperSaxodog 18 votes
Malreck04ShinobiGuyThiartcEwell65SSS69FiiNCHRenaxqqKhellendros138DrauglinTrashPanda12ScrubhanCeltic1981magnus_xixGrassKnucklesRiptide368MutantA___4444JustAGuydanteofdmcMightyD 18 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • ShinobiGuyShinobiGuy Member Posts: 606 ★★★
    Tough one though. All are worth it, but Shang can do KP and more.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,308 ★★★★★
    edited February 2022
    Make sure the hood synergy is working. I had a mate who said it's not working last week in an off season war.
    No suicides, KP is more versatile and safest option to run path 9 out of the three.
    Mole is a good option too btw...But then you need to wait out frenzy to get back in shrugging phase.
    And you don't want to use Shang on path 9
  • 0casual00casual0 Member Posts: 457 ★★★
    One thing that I really like about Kingpin is he constantly regen if you have willpower. Most of the time when I play any quest, his health is never less than 90%. If I make a mistake I can just play passive and restore my health back. Also whenever I am having trouble with any champions (except Void), I will just bring him. He is the safest bet for me.
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★

    Make sure the hood synergy is working. I had a mate who said it's not working last week in an off season war.
    No suicides, KP is more versatile and safest option to run path 9 out of the three.
    Mole is a good option too btw...But then you need to wait out frenzy to get back in shrugging phase.
    And you don't want to use Shang on path 9

    An unduped KP will take time to ramp up is my main concern. About the Hood synergy ...i think it's fixed now
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Nope. Kp is hodd from the get go. Not an issue
  • MagonusMagonus Member Posts: 531 ★★★
    BWDO is so fun and easy to play.... I use her all the time.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,308 ★★★★★
    Rohit_316 said:


    Make sure the hood synergy is working. I had a mate who said it's not working last week in an off season war.
    No suicides, KP is more versatile and safest option to run path 9 out of the three.
    Mole is a good option too btw...But then you need to wait out frenzy to get back in shrugging phase.
    And you don't want to use Shang on path 9

    An unduped KP will take time to ramp up is my main concern. About the Hood synergy ...i think it's fixed now
    On path 9, the amount of debuffs he will shrug will keep him ramped up. Still there's time before next season starts. Test him.
    It's best to have r3 for attack specially in wars.
  • Cap45Cap45 Member Posts: 419 ★★
    They are all good but Mole man is way to useful. Shang chi is great but he misses out on his damage potential unduped, what’s great about him is how he controls fights. Kingpin is a monster. I love him and he’s so fun, BUT I hate using him unduped, too long to ramp up and it’s up to rng. Mole man has it all, purify debuffs 100% without needing hood synergy, can crit every hit with a bleed every hit, huge physical resistance to deal with Thorns nodes, and counters evade and auto block from start of fight. He’s got it all and I’ve used him 90% of the time on act 7 exploration, even more than my r3 herc or kitty, he’s just that good and doesn’t need a dupe. Trust me, he’s the right call
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