Gold1/6.6.6 Master/Epic Mods/ 54 Mil alliance Looking for 1 new member!

Hey guys our alliance is Skrull Armada. We have been Gold1 bordering Platinum 4 for some time now. Looking for 1 new member that can get us there. We do assigned paths in AW and AQ we usually keep it first come first serve because it’s relatively easy. Sometimes AQ we do maps 7.6.6. As for map 7 we usually do assigned paths and only have the people who volunteer run it.

We are looking for 1 member that can handle the content and will keep up with there paths. Thrownbreaker is a plus but we would consider someone Cav if they have a decent roster. We are not that strict just ask our member to join early and maintain there paths. We won’t allow guys to do all the work while others collect the rewards. If you have a vacation or something going on all we ask is you give us a heads up.

If you think you can handle the content and would like to join, message me on line app with a screenshot of your ranked champs. My line ID is joep22662266 .


  • LouisW89LouisW89 Member Posts: 126
    Still looking?
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Yes we are pal.. Send me your top champs on Line app.. My name is joep22662266
  • JeSustoJeSusto Member Posts: 6
    Are you still looking?
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Yes we are pal.. Just send me your top champs
  • CtuchikCtuchik Member Posts: 352 ★★
    You guys still looking for someone?
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Hey bud, yes we are definitely still looking.. We would like to replace one or two members for the start of the AW season.. I’ll be posting our AQ rewards tomorrow when they drop
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Most recent AQ rewards
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    you guys have a spot open?
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Yes we do bud message me on line
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    Joep said:

    Yes we do bud message me on line

    sorry i actually just found a group but good luck in your search
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    All good bud
  • Caio51Caio51 Member Posts: 3
    Still looking?
  • LouisW89LouisW89 Member Posts: 126
    I didn't hear back from you
  • TW1800TW1800 Member Posts: 163

  • TW1800TW1800 Member Posts: 163
    Line Trey1800
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Hey Louis sorry I didn’t get back to you. We are trying to find members Thrown breaker with a solid roster for AW placement.
  • DirtyGrmlinDirtyGrmlin Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2022
    Joep said:

    We are trying to find members Thrown breaker with a solid roster

    THRONE breaker. You're welcome. :smile: Also a great group of people!
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Yup we definitely prefer Thrown breaker.. Maybe you should apply DirtyGrmlin we can always find room for 1 more great member
  • ManiraamManiraam Member Posts: 2
    Are you looking for players from any specific time zone?
    I'm from +5.30IST. Is it fine?
  • Caio51Caio51 Member Posts: 3
    Only 1 spot?
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Yeah I mean if you have two big accounts we may be able to work something out
  • CtuchikCtuchik Member Posts: 352 ★★
    Looking for one still
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Hey bud, yes we are still looking for 1.. Just had a member decide to take a break so let me know
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Ctuchik I messaged you waiting for your champs though. Send them to my line account
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