Progress!!! (and confusion)

ADwar616ADwar616 Member Posts: 76
edited March 2022 in Strategy and Tips
I returned to the grind last month after a long break. And after seeing the SQ rewards for the month of Feb, I finally decided to push for Cav. Got the title last week and tried out some of the monthly Cav EQ and SQ. After a few painful moments with IMIW, I finally got 100% exploration for the SQ and all the solo objective rewards. Got some decent pulls from the event crystals(5* silver centurion and a 6* She hulk being the best of them). Also got 5* colossus, Sunspot, Red guardian, Nebula and awakened my CAIW (Now at sig 180). Pulled Stryfe and Groot from the 6* basics. Now moving forward, my main objective is to explore/complete the monthly SQ and EQ. So feel free to comment down your rank up suggestion. Here's my current 5* & 6* roster btw.


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