Missing Alliance War compensation

Is the AW compensation mail still going out? It has been almost a day it firs went out yesterday, but I still didn't get mine. Other members in my alliance already got it.
i was away for several days "After" the season ended but "before" rewards sent out and so i think when they may have been mailed out they times out before i logged back in.
now as i left to join a new alliance i have also not gotten the compensation either.
I took part in a minimum of 7 battles, then while I was away for several day's "AFTER" the season had ended but "BEFORE" I had left the alliance the season rewards went out in mail but they must have counted down before i had chance to get them,
then a week or so later I moved to a new alliance and now I do not get the comp either.
Thats just sad rly.
I miss out on season rewards and comp pack though no fault of my own.
maybe after 7 years the rewards could last 28 days like nearly every other mail you receive, That way I would not have missed out.