Changes in tier and multiplier in War

RapRap Member Posts: 3,233 ★★★★
edited March 2022 in General Discussion
We won our first war of the season and according to the current match info we have move from tier 11 to tier 12 and we have gone from a 2.3 multiplier to a 2.2 multiplier even though we won the match???
Why has this happened? Someone be good enough to explain?
Why is our multiplier going down when we are going up in tier???


  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,233 ★★★★
    edited March 2022

    Here is the proof! One is the History from our last match the other is the season score on the leaderboard page!
    What is going on?? Why are we losing multiplier when we won???
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    Rap said:

    Here is the proof! One is the History from our last match the other is the season score on the leaderboard page!
    What is going on?? Why are we losing multiplier when we won???

    Because other alliances gained more war rating and jumped above you in tiers.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,233 ★★★★
    edited March 2022

    This helps clarify it even more??
    In one place we are tier 12 2.2, in another we are tier 11 2.3, and in another we are tier 11 2.2 so which is it???
    Three different combinations of tier and multiplier!
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,233 ★★★★
    What you say may be correct? But it is still b.s. to have multiple versions of of the tier and multiplier. SO is it like intentionally to confuse us? That is part of the fun?? Guessing why you are losing when you are winning and what tier your alliance actually is so you can be kept in the same spot like last season??
  • TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Member Posts: 732 ★★★★
    You might be winning but it all depends on all the other alliances around you. The differences between your previous position and theirs could've been just one or two points but they have gained more than you have.

    How many bgs are you running?
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    I think the OPs case is when different tier alliances are matched together.
    I don't know why the multiplier is inconsistent.

    For example:
    Case1: when they are in T12 and matched T11.
    Case2: when they are in T12 and matched T12.
    Case3: when they are in T11 and matched T11.
    Case4: when they are in T11 and matched T12.

    Regardless any of the cases mentioned above, I think you are getting the correct multiplier you should be getting.
    Just keep winning, don't stress on the multiplier for now. All the best.
  • CrusaderjrCrusaderjr Member Posts: 1,059 ★★★★
    "going up in tier" isnt a good thing, the lower the number tier the better :D you know kinda like 1st 2nd 3rd place.
    you went from "11th place" to "12th place" so your trophy is less significant as the number gets bigger...
    what you should be worried about is if you are winning those wars and losing points in tier then yes that a problem
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