Leveling characters is stupid difficult >:(

If my math is right, by doing the dailies, on expert, you get about 2k in class catalyst fragment a week and if you need 36k to make one that's 18 weeks of straight play just for one and some of the 4 and 5 star characters need 2 or 3 catalysts. That's more then a year of play just to rank up once, that absolutely ridiculous. Or am I missing something? Thanks.
Fortunately, there are a few other sources of at least fragments
costed like 500-600k gold lol
You need biometrics to unlock the character, usually 10, at 1* level. You then need to level them up with XP, use more biometrics to level them up to 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 star levels (roughly on a par with maxing out a 3 or 4* champion), you then also need to max the characters 5 character gear items (usually costume pieces or weapons) which requires a mixture of gear boxes , biometrics and other guff to level up, you then need to give them an Iso-8 set to boost their stats and then level that up using more Iso-8, you need to add a Celestial Tech Pack (or CTP) to upgrade other stats, add norn stones to upgrade gears and you need to upgrade the characters mastery using norn stones and then, you also need to take your tier 1, 6* star full mastery level 65 character to tier 2, which requires more biometrics, more norns and other guff as well as gold. AND THEN some characters can be upgraded to level 70 and their gear upgraded to then take them to tier 3 (analogous to a mid-rank 5*) or be 'awakened' which requires even more of the materials.
AND that's not even getting into the need to collect and rank up Comic Cards for other stat buffs.
and a lot of these materials are really hard to collect in anything other than piddly quantities and require grinding mind-numbingly boring quests daily to get them.
And that's without the need to use premium currency to buy uniforms that also need to be levelled up.
and by the time you've got one uniform done, there's a new one out that requires you to repeat the process otherwise your god-tier champion winds up mediocre.
Eventually you will open 30 t4cc just to get 2 of the class you need.