Who do you still excited about playing Mcoc?

JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 662 ★★★
I have played for 3 years and recently my interest to play has low a lot since February, also March looks the same, may be act 7.4 make me feel a little excited but not enough to play again.


  • GHOST12339GHOST12339 Member Posts: 12
    I still enjoy beating content and ranking up new Champs, though I'm quickly running out of 6*s that I want/use.

    The game is a good time filler too, and I haven't really been able to find other games that you actively play/control either soo... most are some turn based style where "difficulty" is just content that is tuned higher than you've purchased the ability to beat yet. Lol
  • RocketWaffleRocketWaffle Member Posts: 140
    Sometimes I come up with my own Carina's Challenge esc challenges (though not nearly as hard since I won't actually be getting rewards for it)
  • KoopaKrusherKoopaKrusher Member Posts: 105

    this is going to sound cliché, but i enjoy winning. i have days where i don't lose a fight and i think that i should be in the summoner showdown. there are also days where i spend 10 revives on one fight,

    Literally me yesterday getting my first completion run of 6.2.6. Usually I waste my whole team on the first couple fights and call it a day, but I got on a roll and soloed all but 1 fight up to the Champion. Knocked him down to 10% with maybe 1 revive, and felt like I was on top of the world. Then I couldn't get the dex timing down and took 10-15 revives to finally finish him. Either way I'm looking forward to never going back to 6.2 for a while
  • JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 662 ★★★

    this is going to sound cliché, but i enjoy winning. i have days where i don't lose a fight and i think that i should be in the summoner showdown. there are also days where i spend 10 revives on one fight,

    Jajajajaja, this bring me to the light, thanks.
  • Wonderfulloser1948Wonderfulloser1948 Member Posts: 53
    Groot buff
  • TrenzaloreTrenzalore Member Posts: 182 ★★★
    Not really excited about much to be honest. The balancing program for new champs has taken away any excitement for additions to the game. This month looks like it will be pretty boring as well.
  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 738 ★★★
    Honestly I’ve been struggling with wanting to leave the game. It’s almost unplayable for me on both my iPhones. I have 2 new iPhones; 1-12 pro and 1-13 pro. My other uncollected account I play on with my 12 pro and is unbearably frustrating. And it seems the game hates me on both my accounts lol. I didn’t not pull 1 6* out of 12-15 cast and crew crystals on my main and not one 5* on other account that uncollected out of 16 cast and crew crystals. If it wasn’t for my team I worked really hard to build with the help of some really good friends I made over the years playing I’d quite. I used to absolutely love this game and spent $800-$1000 a month. Now I don’t spend money at all and the game has been giving me the worst pulls ever over and over again. So no I’m not happy with the game in its current state. We shall see if this update brings the life of the game back. If it doesn’t. I’m done. I’m so tired of being stressed out over a game. I have enough stress from life. Like I said I used to love this game and it was my escape from daily stress now it’s apart of it. So there’s my thoughts on the game right now.
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