Who to go for

So I'm at a crossroad for who to go for. My options are:
Go for blade in the 5 star feature
Go for Stark Spidey and possibly have 2 shots at him
Or wait until december for the mutant characters to drop since i have 2 mutant awakening gems
Any feedback would be appreciated
Go for blade in the 5 star feature
Go for Stark Spidey and possibly have 2 shots at him
Or wait until december for the mutant characters to drop since i have 2 mutant awakening gems
Any feedback would be appreciated
okay thanks, and you say do that over the possible mutants as well?
When the featured champs will be in the basic pool they will have normal chance which is too damn low compared to the 20-25% chance for a featured 5* heroe, so it's much better to go for featured for the good champs.
yeah i have starlord dormammu and agent venom at 4/55, just have too many variables to think of. Think im going to wait on blade since he comes back like the other guy said so its between spidey and december