Are the class mastery cores gone in the new 'Catalyst vault' daily quests?

the Title says it all. Do these cores still pop up at random during the quests (now that they are no longer class specific by day)? Or is the only way to obtain these mastery cores now by purchasing them with units?
I need my loyalty points for other things though...
We get 30k loyalty a week for free…. Just saying
Let me be clear. I've already maxed out my Mystic dispersion, and except for maybe one more level down the road for pure skill, I don't need any more class cores, and I have a bunch in my inventory.
I'm saying that if there was one thing I actually liked about the daily quest, is that it was always possible to farm for cores. for those people who don't do wars, or use their loyalty for something that costs more than 7k points this was a blessing.
So now what?
Just by the war team revive with 1 loyalty and you are set 😉
And that still doesn't erase the fact that I can't farm for cores anymore.
Sorry but that isn't a solution that's gonna fly with me
I WANT Mystic Dispersion! Pure Skill is something that someone should WANT to acheive! and spending Units or loyalty points on mastery cores when you should be spending it on revives or heals. And it makes no sense for you to say that no one should want these things. someone should want these things no more or less than Assassin or Deep Wounds. You're saying that no one wants them because they're broken. Saying it is broken means it can be FIXED.
Your argument makes no sense!
So back to the complaint that there is no more farming for class mastery cores (for those people wanting Collar tech or Mystic dispersion...) There needs to be a better solution.
Let me be completely clear, I have no objection to them putting these cores back into the daily quests. I might even put them into opening up some of those mastery’s just for days the days that I can get points in item use. But in the current state of affairs actually trying to use these masteries will probably do more harm to your account progression than help, simply because they are low impact and it costs too bloody much to change around your mastery tree.