Cross Fight not working
Cav quest 1.2, we are suppose to get cross charge fury when using a mystic attacker and nullify armour up. This is not working, my mystic champs are getting the furies inside the fight and then the next fight there is no cross charge.
Btw, I absolutely applaud whoever came up with “TAGtical”
My original post on the topic when I first noticed it in 1.2 is here:
I don't necessarily care at this point, cause I've finished it all, but it's definitely not working as advertised, and there are no doubt people still working on Cav EQ that may be relying on those cross-fights to make boss fights easier.
I don't mind a challenge, and this month is not that hard to beat in Cavalier, but if you are going to use that kind of "boost", then make it right. I honestly prefer the class one alone, or even just only a hashtag/team of champs.
I played the mutant chapter and only Domino (who was in my team with some X-Men) got the furies because she is mutant and mercenary; in the skill one, it seems that only a select champs will be able to get those charges. Again, the quest is not very difficult, but it's a bit pointless if only 3 or 4 champs get those bonuses.