7.2.6 help :0

Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★
edited March 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Forums won't lemme post pics so my champs are:
R5 doom, aegon, caiw, molegod, quake, ht, claire, aa, warlock and r2 corvus(6 star obviously).

Which path shall I take and which champ would be good for gwen? AND I dont have mr fantastic :( for doom.
Corvus is r2 and need 2 sometimes 3 charge rotation for paths, I also don't have proxima
Also for juiced, any other useful synergy?
Thanks :wink:


  • Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★

  • NoobdaNoobda Member Posts: 787 ★★★
    Icarus path .
    Good for boss - Doom (Long sps, tanky) , warlock , gully99 ( regenerates if u mess up , saves heals) , Hitmonkey (easy to use, gauranteed crits , very good for invisible woman phase too .. Intercept helps)
    Rest , I must say that any possible good champ can do gwen but coz you are gonna try her for the first time , Look the details of her phases and understand them properly before entering the fight .
    Good luck!
  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    edited March 2022
    Really any champ works for the boss. I tried to bring in champs like Herc and Doom, but anyone works. I always brought Prof X for the first phase, he makes it a joke

    Edit: CapIW was also amazing
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