Improve AW Recruitment (Minor QOL Change)

I would like to suggest a small quality of life change for the Alliance Wars game mode.
As an Alliance we have struggled to progess to higher ranks mainly because our members are losing fights and forfeiting the full attack bonus that is available for getting a solo kill against a defender. I would like Kabam to start tracking attacker deaths so that officers and leaders can have clear picture about what is occurring during wars. Kabam is already tracking a lot of stats such as attacker kills, defender kills, and item usage so I think the addition of one more statistic to track should be easily implemented. Item use helps us estimate who is using items such as revives, but we do not know for sure who has cost us an attack bonus unless we are monitoring the war every minute of the day. At the end of alliance wars, we are sent in-game mail with the defender kills and attacker kills of each participant. It would be great if attacker deaths could be added as a column to this in-game mail.
We need to make changes to our alliance to progress up the ranks, but we don't want to kick people who aren't at fault for us consistently losing our war matches. This statistic would be extremely useful for AW focused alliances to know which members should be recruited and retained, so please add it to the game.
Kind regards,
I would like to suggest a small quality of life change for the Alliance Wars game mode.
As an Alliance we have struggled to progess to higher ranks mainly because our members are losing fights and forfeiting the full attack bonus that is available for getting a solo kill against a defender. I would like Kabam to start tracking attacker deaths so that officers and leaders can have clear picture about what is occurring during wars. Kabam is already tracking a lot of stats such as attacker kills, defender kills, and item usage so I think the addition of one more statistic to track should be easily implemented. Item use helps us estimate who is using items such as revives, but we do not know for sure who has cost us an attack bonus unless we are monitoring the war every minute of the day. At the end of alliance wars, we are sent in-game mail with the defender kills and attacker kills of each participant. It would be great if attacker deaths could be added as a column to this in-game mail.
We need to make changes to our alliance to progress up the ranks, but we don't want to kick people who aren't at fault for us consistently losing our war matches. This statistic would be extremely useful for AW focused alliances to know which members should be recruited and retained, so please add it to the game.
Kind regards,