We need Ignore list please.

L3pa_DL3pa_D Member Posts: 60
Can we please have ignore list like the previous forum so visiting forum for info is more productive. Thanks.


  • XMEN1994XMEN1994 Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2017
    Yes, please. It's really annoying having to read the same spam posts, like Kabam fix this, do that. Blah blah blah. :D

    This forum would be a lot more fun with a ignore button.
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    edited May 2017
    Riegel wrote: »
    They should make a block user feature too. So, that users you have blocked cannot post on your thread. So many out there just to derail threads.

    That would lead to censorship i.e. People would abuse it and use that function to silence anyone that disagrees with them. then proceed to want changes that could affect that person
  • CheyneedCheyneed Member Posts: 95
    Maybe have a limit the posts per day as well? There are people in here that post upwards of 100 times per day sometimes. That is unnecessary and means you are spamming or arguing with people.
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    Cheyneed wrote: »
    Maybe have a limit the posts per day as well? There are people in here that post upwards of 100 times per day sometimes. That is unnecessary and means you are spamming or arguing with people.

    And again if someone post a thread asking for something u do not want would u not argue with them?
  • MayhemEffectMayhemEffect Member Posts: 112
    Cheyneed wrote: »
    Maybe have a limit the posts per day as well? There are people in here that post upwards of 100 times per day sometimes. That is unnecessary and means you are spamming or arguing with people.

    A numerical limit does not take into the quality of the posts. A time limit between posts would be better.
  • JSnookJSnook Member Posts: 219
    Riegel wrote: »
    They should make a block user feature too. So, that users you have blocked cannot post on your thread. So many out there just to derail threads.

    While I agree there should be an ignore feature, the blocking feature is not necessary. You cannot control what anyone does or says on here. You are not the police of the forum.
  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    The ignore feature is fine but when people quote them, it still clogs up your screen with the same few people posting in any thread they can find an argument in and eventually get it derailed and closed. Some guys are past 100 posts by day 2 of these forums and have the same stance and writing styles as from the old forums so it's pretty easy to find the same ones to ignore. BUT even though I've ignored them on the old forums, they continue to enter any discussion they can even if it's far above their progression level and start arguments so people quote them and you STILL end up clogging up your screen with their useless posts you were trying to ignore so over half the replies you dig through aren't useless paragraphs by the same 3 people. They make comments about their 4 star awakenings being the same as the 5 star featured people are having frustrations about. They challenge any problems with the game since there's no issue of beating Proving Grounds (the easy ones, not those super hard "expert ones" which they avoid), and challenge any problems with AQ since they've never seen any past Map 2 where challenger rating doesn't mean much and an evade bug means some lowly creature hits you with a special that took away 5% of your health.

    Implement the ignore feature - it is an important aspect of any forum. And make it also ignore when these users are quoted or it defeats the purpose. Most of us prefer to spend most of our MCOC time in the game and not the forums so we'd appreciate being able to glance through topics that apply to what we're looking for without most of the posts being clogged up by 3 people who's advice we aren't really interested in. This is a public forum so they have every right to post to their hearts' content, but make it easier for the guys who actually try to progress through hard content to find the info/advice we're actually interested in. When someone spends a 10:1 ratio of forum to game time, they will make up a disproportionately large amount of the posts found here while we are looking for the advice of those with a 1:10 ratio who actually understand the harder aspects of the game.

    A. Ignore needs to be implemented with an option to include being quoted bypassing what you were trying to ignore.

    B. Let us filter by player categories. You have gone all this way to link in game accounts with forum accounts. Let us filter by posts from players above XXX rating, XXX prestige, XXX achieves, XXX tier/war rating. It will make sorting through 90% of useless arguments between the same people easier so we can find the answers we are looking for and go back to actually playing the game. If we could sort this way the overwhelming number of pages you have to go through to find the one constructive post by a high ranked player who actually knows what they're talking about would be much more manageable.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    BDLH wrote: »
    A. Ignore needs to be implemented with an option to include being quoted bypassing what you were trying to ignore.

    B. Let us filter by player categories. You have gone all this way to link in game accounts with forum accounts. Let us filter by posts from players above XXX rating, XXX prestige, XXX achieves, XXX tier/war rating. It will make sorting through 90% of useless arguments between the same people easier so we can find the answers we are looking for and go back to actually playing the game. If we could sort this way the overwhelming number of pages you have to go through to find the one constructive post by a high ranked player who actually knows what they're talking about would be much more manageable.

    Agreed with A completely, but not B. It's totally fine to have anonymous users and filtering that could lead to judgements and status that wouldn't be healthy long-term for the forum. Plus, it's pretty easy to determine what level a player is at when hearing them talk about the harder content.

    Ignoring users though is something that should be implemented fully. It should be a basic function where if you see users that post negative/wrong information all the time, you can choose not to see them anymore. You're not policing them or confronting them, you just won't see them anymore and it will improve your own forum experience greatly. They will have no idea that you blocked them.

    Also, it's hilarious that you can see who flags who for abuse, agreement, spam, etc. LOL
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Sirnoob wrote: »
    Riegel wrote: »
    They should make a block user feature too. So, that users you have blocked cannot post on your thread. So many out there just to derail threads.

    That would lead to censorship i.e. People would abuse it and use that function to silence anyone that disagrees with them. then proceed to want changes that could affect that person

    Not to sensor them, but to make it like reddit where it doesn't show unless you click it and actively want to read what the community has already deemed "wrong".

    The OP alone could not do this same as reddit you need so many "down votes" for a post to be "hidden."
  • Ja55Ja55 Member Posts: 155
    It is only blocked for the individual who chose to block that person. It is not blocked community wide. It was a nice feature in the previous forum.
  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    BDLH wrote: »
    A. Ignore needs to be implemented with an option to include being quoted bypassing what you were trying to ignore.

    B. Let us filter by player categories. You have gone all this way to link in game accounts with forum accounts. Let us filter by posts from players above XXX rating, XXX prestige, XXX achieves, XXX tier/war rating. It will make sorting through 90% of useless arguments between the same people easier so we can find the answers we are looking for and go back to actually playing the game. If we could sort this way the overwhelming number of pages you have to go through to find the one constructive post by a high ranked player who actually knows what they're talking about would be much more manageable.

    Agreed with A completely, but not B. It's totally fine to have anonymous users and filtering that could lead to judgements and status that wouldn't be healthy long-term for the forum. Plus, it's pretty easy to determine what level a player is at when hearing them talk about the harder content.

    Ignoring users though is something that should be implemented fully. It should be a basic function where if you see users that post negative/wrong information all the time, you can choose not to see them anymore. You're not policing them or confronting them, you just won't see them anymore and it will improve your own forum experience greatly. They will have no idea that you blocked them.

    Also, it's hilarious that you can see who flags who for abuse, agreement, spam, etc. LOL

    I like the idea of anonymous users and freedom to post what they want, but the filtering feature is completely optional. We can tell by what they write that they have no idea what they're talking about since they are at a different level of progression, but it still takes a lot of TIME to go through and dismiss their posts which makes up the vast majority of the threads. There is no judgement or negative effect on anyone if a certain individual only wants to see advice on LOL by people who have actually beaten it or about war placement by other Tier1/2 players. The posts that are filtered out doesn't send any negative feedback or judgement to the posters that were skipped. They are not judged or harmed in any way.

    The idea is if someone wants a specific piece of information or question answered, they don't have to read through pages and pages of posts from people they're not interested in getting advice from. The percentage of posts here that are actually informative vs arguments between the same people are at a ridiculous ratio - filtering is the only way to improve this ratio and let people spend less time on the forums and more time in the game. Kabam makes more money from us playing the game more and digging through forums less so it even helps them.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,030 ★★★★★
    BDLH wrote: »
    BDLH wrote: »
    A. Ignore needs to be implemented with an option to include being quoted bypassing what you were trying to ignore.

    B. Let us filter by player categories. You have gone all this way to link in game accounts with forum accounts. Let us filter by posts from players above XXX rating, XXX prestige, XXX achieves, XXX tier/war rating. It will make sorting through 90% of useless arguments between the same people easier so we can find the answers we are looking for and go back to actually playing the game. If we could sort this way the overwhelming number of pages you have to go through to find the one constructive post by a high ranked player who actually knows what they're talking about would be much more manageable.

    Agreed with A completely, but not B. It's totally fine to have anonymous users and filtering that could lead to judgements and status that wouldn't be healthy long-term for the forum. Plus, it's pretty easy to determine what level a player is at when hearing them talk about the harder content.

    Ignoring users though is something that should be implemented fully. It should be a basic function where if you see users that post negative/wrong information all the time, you can choose not to see them anymore. You're not policing them or confronting them, you just won't see them anymore and it will improve your own forum experience greatly. They will have no idea that you blocked them.

    Also, it's hilarious that you can see who flags who for abuse, agreement, spam, etc. LOL

    I like the idea of anonymous users and freedom to post what they want, but the filtering feature is completely optional. We can tell by what they write that they have no idea what they're talking about since they are at a different level of progression, but it still takes a lot of TIME to go through and dismiss their posts which makes up the vast majority of the threads. There is no judgement or negative effect on anyone if a certain individual only wants to see advice on LOL by people who have actually beaten it or about war placement by other Tier1/2 players. The posts that are filtered out doesn't send any negative feedback or judgement to the posters that were skipped. They are not judged or harmed in any way.

    The idea is if someone wants a specific piece of information or question answered, they don't have to read through pages and pages of posts from people they're not interested in getting advice from. The percentage of posts here that are actually informative vs arguments between the same people are at a ridiculous ratio - filtering is the only way to improve this ratio and let people spend less time on the forums and more time in the game. Kabam makes more money from us playing the game more and digging through forums less so it even helps them.

    What that is, is a biased judgment on feedback based on where someone is in the game. It won't happen in an open discussion because feedback can't be discredited based on personal biases.
    Anyone has a right to register an opinion. That cannot and will not be limited because people only want to hear from others in the "club". The Tiers in the game are the way they are to distinguish classifications for Rewards. It has to to do with Rank, Ally, War Rating, Prestige, etc. That is not the same as a discussion where anyone can offer their thoughts. That mentality is limited and close-minded towards others. Where someone is at in the game doesn't stop them from having valid thoughts and ideas.
    The Forum is a place for all people to communicate. It's not going to become an Elitist System that places people within Ranks and Classes. It's an discussion. Not The Titanic.
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