Star lord
Is it me or is star lord too powerful. He is the only one to use while beating LOL and some accounts won't ever get a 4* let alone a 5* duped. Could kabam make someone else similar to him for the rest of us or just nerf Star lord so those that have him don't have an unfair advantage.
I assume you have him and that's why you flagged it. I've had to use my 3* SL for ROL and it sucked. I have over a 400k reading and no SL. Skill isn't my issue it's my ability to get him since he's so far above all others.
I do have him as 4* duped and 5* unduped, every 5* crystal I hope to have him. So what??? I don't care what is ones rating or what champs do one have when I have to recruit. Pulling a particular champ is pure luck if u wanna blame something that should be ur "luck" not the "champ".
400k rating yet no idea for finding an alternative, whose fault is that?
Sure and his name is "Spark" aka....Stark enhanced spiderman
I think SL isn't the only choice for LOL. GP, X-23, Drax, Angela, TechSM, Hyp, BP and some more. Many people done it without SL, and you can do it too.
I agree with you post tho
You can't do inner paths with X-23 where a specialist champ is required unless you're willing to spend loads on revives
And to add to that list—CM. I know of a person who 100% LoL with her
Dude tons of champs can be used for LOL, not just SL. Any 5* can go through it, it still costs with a SL, there are even better options than him to do it
Okay if you're at 400k than you should definitely have a starlord. It takes at least a year or two to get to your rating and starlord has been in the basic arena twice in my knowledge during that time. It's your fault for not picking him up then don't blame the game for your mistakes.
I have to too dude. Still. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hyperion, storm can prolly do some a lot of damage, blade is pretty good.
Nuh uh. Spark.
Why have champs with miserable 1900 attack and others with 5000+. Where is the balance???????
70 attack increase per hit.
If kabam caps him at 100 he still has 7000 attack.
Startk spidy and hyperion get to 5000 attack too.
I have both SL and hyperion and want them capped.
he is not the best champ in the game. He's a very good champ but there is no overall best champ in the game.