New Heroes and Foes 6.3.1 (Edited Title)

So I hope anyone from Kabam thought it would be a good idea to create a carina challenge that’s really only reasonably doable with 2 champs in the entire game. If you don’t have joe fixit or squirrel girl and realistically it’s only squirrel girl, how do you expect anyone to beat the “New Heroes and Foes” carina challenge? There’s only 4 people who can take down Medusa because you need someone who can apply bleeds. 2 of them (being wolverine and ultron) proc buffs naturally throughout the fight and their bleeds alone can’t out damage the buffet healing even with a 30% attack and health boost, 15% attack boost and 15% health boost on, plus special damage boosts. I’ve wasted multiple boosts and many revives only to be at a standstill with Medusa because I can’t out damage the healing. I understand you want to make it difficult and limit roster choices for these challenges, but if squirrel girl was going to be the only viable option why not just make the challenge “defeat 6.3.1 Medusa with a 5* squirrel girl”? I think it’s absolutely disgusting that you guys are making content like this, and then you wonder why people get mad. I’d love to hear from one of you brainiacs try to explain this to me so I look forward to hearing from you.
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Petrify maxed and 2/3 despair (3/3 would be better)
Stick deep wounds on for even more bleed, I didn’t though. Pacify can help reduce chance of buffet as well. Hell even max crit chance if you need to, mastery changes are free.
Parry, 3 light hits and dash back. Don’t use your specials so you regen more. Trigger autoblock whenever she gets 3 furies so you can keep the tempo up, explosive personality will largely be offset by regeneration that gets through buffet. If it isn’t then it can be better to revive than lose your progress, so instead of heavy attacking and giving her more power therefore more baiting therefore less damage and she will have more healing. Sometimes it’s better to just take the damage from explosive personality.
Because you’re parrying, your hits give her less power because of petrify mastery. Light attacks give her even less power. Your bleeds will offset buffet with despair, because you’re hopefully triggering buffet with your regen and you’re only hitting her during stun petrify will reduce that further. With petrify and a couple bleeds you’ve already halved the amount she regens.
It took me 2 revives. So sure, could call it luck. But also, I took the fight the best way I could, not just MLLLM.
It's not like it's going anywhere
Think back at how long BrianGrant waited for Aegon so he can explore abyss.
So, start opening those dual mutant/skill crystals, or maybe she'll have an arena in the future. Or a new champ that meets the criteria will be released.
Basically, complaining on the forum that you have holes in your roster is pointless for you and annoying for us.
I did. I found nothing relevant with YJ.
Also I loved the Miles fight against Black Bolt. I have him maxed out, so that was excellent and usable.