I miss cutscenes at the end of event quests
I really enjoyed cutscenes we used to get at the end of event quests for things like the infinity stones that gave small teasers for things to come. Based on the event quest this month I half expected one based on the storyline. Bring ‘em back! That is all.
I especially liked this one, because I got to help drive it:
But this one is by far my favourite:
Full Storyline for that one.
Or even better have Two Split Tiles at the end that would lead to Two Slightly Different Cutscenes, depending on if you sided with Cap Falcon or MistyK.
Cause obviously like you said the Cutscenes are gonna take more time to design, so are they only designed when the designers have free time leftover or only when they feel the need to add an ending/have a good idea for one?
That quote is still in my mind due to the fact that it was, in fact, Professor Xavier.
And while he's not the iconic 90s look, or what he looked like in XML2, seeing him in MCOC as a sneak peak, before he fully came out, was quite interesting and dare I say, the only time something like that occured.