Hey guys, I have doom,sor.supreme,human torch,apoc,prof x,cap(iw)
That's masochism node if I am not mistaken coz I did that act decades ago. I recommend you not to rely on your parries or if u have a white mags even as a 3* . Bring him on the team and use his pre fight for the toughest fights. Other than that , among those names ,Apoc will work great coz opponent cannot shrug off the debuffs which apoc inflicts so the opponent won't be able to purify the parry stun . Hope it helps.
quick google search lands this .. have your read through guides like these?
have you searched youtube?
Other than that , among those names ,Apoc will work great coz opponent cannot shrug off the debuffs which apoc inflicts so the opponent won't be able to purify the parry stun . Hope it helps.