Hardest Nodes for Gwenmaster

Hi all,
After completion of act 7 I decided to explore it fully. I had 7.1 done, and 7.2 up till 7.2.6.
I have done Gwenmaster twice now. The node with the heal on it, and the one where you get the fury every 10 seconds.
I was wondering what are the hardest nodes, so I can do the hardest 1 or 2 paths last, when I have the phases down again.
After completion of act 7 I decided to explore it fully. I had 7.1 done, and 7.2 up till 7.2.6.
I have done Gwenmaster twice now. The node with the heal on it, and the one where you get the fury every 10 seconds.
I was wondering what are the hardest nodes, so I can do the hardest 1 or 2 paths last, when I have the phases down again.