Silver 1 Alliance looking for some casual/active players.

Currently running two battle groups in Silver 1 AW and two battle groups in Map 4 and 2 for AQ. We have a very diverse group of players in our alliance, from semi retired to new players. We have an amazing discord full of resources, advice, the latest news on the game and plenty of dad jokes. We are trying to poke our toes into gold soon. No prestige requirements, no rank up requirements. You can even run suicides in war defense for all I care. All we are looking for are chill members who help in AW during season and AQ if you want the glory. Although we will gladly welcome people who have a full roster of 6* R3 and R4 and that spend 12 hours a day on this game. Add me in game at Gugibugbug my profile pic is of big hero 6…. I mean Nimrod.