Anyone else extremely unlucky with monthly side quest cavs?

As the title says. I have only pulled 4 6 stars from the side quest cavs since their introduction. I've donne all side events except 1, can't remember which. I'm probably still in line with the odds but my pulls have all been duds. I have pulled superior iron man, someone I don't remember and from this month iron man (dupe) and winter soldier. I'm glad my luck is turning with 2 pulls this month (wtf!!) but I feel like people have on average pulled a 6 star a month.
Anyone else want to let me know they have pulled fewer 6 stars than me from side event cavs so I can feel better about my pulls?
Anyone else want to let me know they have pulled fewer 6 stars than me from side event cavs so I can feel better about my pulls?
So 4 6 stars in all months (6+ months? A year? I have no idea when they were introduced), not only this month.
For better clarification
Since they were introduced in 2020 I believe. I have only gotten 5 6 stars. Og Spidey,Groot,Nimrod,Modok and dupe on omega red ( last 3 pulled today)
Crazy how you also pulled them this month.
Sure, it feels great when you finally pull a 6s, but then you have to deal with the RNG of which champ you pulled. You have a huge chance of a 6s pull being a champ you will not use.
I'd rather get more crystal shards, or maybe if these were nexus cavs there would be more chance of a positive reward.
unlucky? a lot of people would happily take your "bad luck", given the fact that most of them only get 3* of these crystals.
Since the introduction of these crystals i got "only" two 6*,and i'm really happy with that.
A big pile of poop this month.
Good luck to you all ill pray for more 6 syars for you!