There is huge imbalance in champions l

Yesterday i got a 5 star kamala khan this is my bad luck i know its obvious but this is not fare fora gameplay 5 star crystal is very rare there is lots of imbalance in champions like hyperion and kamla khan they both are from same class but there is a lot of diffrence yupp every champions has its own chracterstics but atleast for fare gameplay you should add something to kamala khan or remove somethinh grom hyperion why there is worst players and best in the game and why i allways get worst i have deadpool useless i have kamala khan both 4 and 5 star now am very sad when she appears


  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    Khamala Khan is a pretty basic and useless champ and I was in complete agreeance with your post until I read the part where you thought nerfing other champs was a fix or even a good idea.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    tuposacp wrote: »
    Yesterday i got a 5 star kamala khan this is my bad luck i know its obvious but this is not fare fora gameplay 5 star crystal is very rare there is lots of imbalance in champions like hyperion and kamla khan they both are from same class but there is a lot of diffrence yupp every champions has its own chracterstics but atleast for fare gameplay you should add something to kamala khan or remove somethinh grom hyperion why there is worst players and best in the game and why i allways get worst i have deadpool useless i have kamala khan both 4 and 5 star now am very sad when she appears

    That’s not true that kamla is not good. Yes Hyperion hits hard but how long Hyperion can hit hard? Let’s fight boss rush goblin whose chip damage is really good on block. Hyperion wear off soon if player is not good fighter. While If kk is duped her furies are 9 seconds long. And sp1 gives up to 4 furies and you can hit 2 sp1 continuously and keep getting fury stacks and increase block proficiency (read stats ) which will help you survive fight longer than Hyperion at same time having increased attack from furies.

    I have her in 5* and there’s no regret . Trust me she’s got her part of game perfect.

    I can't help but laugh when I read this. Hyperion can continue to build Fury by using heavy attacks. In the amount of time it would take you to reach Khans L2 Hyperion would have already ended most fights.

    There is no comparison between the two. And yes, KK is completely useless. If you wanna rank champs by there Fury buffs, she's not even in the top 5. You're gonna have to try harder to convince anyone she is a heavy hitter when there is many who surpass her.
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  • Oliverb1980Oliverb1980 Member Posts: 99
    edited October 2017
    Ok so kk can stack furies. However getting hit will also negate those furies as she is vulnerable while charging her heavy (which is how you generate fury). Hyperion's fury is generated from attacking with a heavy and can't be negated by getting hit. Plus hyperion can regen and has ridiculous power gain. Kk is just arena fodder.

    However I disagree with the OP that we need to nerf hyperion. Kabam needs to improve kk. We've had enough nerfs in this game already
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    KK is one of the worst champs in the game.
  • tuposacptuposacp Member Posts: 165
    R4GE wrote: »
    tuposacp wrote: »
    Yesterday i got a 5 star kamala khan this is my bad luck i know its obvious but this is not fare fora gameplay 5 star crystal is very rare there is lots of imbalance in champions like hyperion and kamla khan they both are from same class but there is a lot of diffrence yupp every champions has its own chracterstics but atleast for fare gameplay you should add something to kamala khan or remove somethinh grom hyperion why there is worst players and best in the game and why i allways get worst i have deadpool useless i have kamala khan both 4 and 5 star now am very sad when she appears

    That’s not true that kamla is not good. Yes Hyperion hits hard but how long Hyperion can hit hard? Let’s fight boss rush goblin whose chip damage is really good on block. Hyperion wear off soon if player is not good fighter. While If kk is duped her furies are 9 seconds long. And sp1 gives up to 4 furies and you can hit 2 sp1 continuously and keep getting fury stacks and increase block proficiency (read stats ) which will help you survive fight longer than Hyperion at same time having increased attack from furies.

    I have her in 5* and there’s no regret . Trust me she’s got her part of game perfect.

    I can't help but laugh when I read this. Hyperion can continue to build Fury by using heavy attacks. In the amount of time it would take you to reach Khans L2 Hyperion would have already ended most fights.

    There is no comparison between the two. And yes, KK is completely useless. If you wanna rank champs by there Fury buffs, she's not even in the top 5. You're gonna have to try harder to convince anyone she is a heavy hitter when there is many who surpass her.

    Never said she’s a heavy hitter. My whole point you missed. She’s a survivor. And Hyperion doesn’t guarantee furies from heavy so it’s still a bummer for him. Don’t forget one permanent fury from kamla. Maybe it’s not much but still better and longer than Hyperion. Don’t think I’m a Hyperion hater I have him too and I love him but I also use kamla and can clearly see difference. And let me guess you never bother to fight with kamla any major quest. Maybe that goblin was a short fight my bad, let’s take lol champions and you will see difference in endurance. And I’m not convincing anyone just stating my point.
  • KestrelleKestrelle Member Posts: 441 ★★
    _ASDF_ wrote: »
    This was a complete waste of time to read. I just popped a 5* kamala and kept moving... didn’t waste my time creating a post.

    Due to not one use of punctuation.... this won’t be a waste of your time...

    If you're going to actually point someone to a punctuation guide, you should probably use proper punctuation yourself.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    edited October 2017
    Ok so kk can stack furies. However getting hit will also negate those furies as she is vulnerable while charging her heavy (which is how you generate fury). Hyperion's fury is generated from attacking with a heavy and can't be negated by getting hit. Plus hyperion can regen and has ridiculous power gain. Kk is just arena fodder.

    However I disagree with the OP that we need to nerf hyperion. Kabam needs to improve kk. We've had enough nerfs in this game already

    You forgot to mention cosmic charges, which also increases his attack and physical resistance
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    Welcome to Marvel Contest of Champions, OP
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    edited October 2017
    tuposacp wrote: »
    R4GE wrote: »
    tuposacp wrote: »
    Yesterday i got a 5 star kamala khan this is my bad luck i know its obvious but this is not fare fora gameplay 5 star crystal is very rare there is lots of imbalance in champions like hyperion and kamla khan they both are from same class but there is a lot of diffrence yupp every champions has its own chracterstics but atleast for fare gameplay you should add something to kamala khan or remove somethinh grom hyperion why there is worst players and best in the game and why i allways get worst i have deadpool useless i have kamala khan both 4 and 5 star now am very sad when she appears

    That’s not true that kamla is not good. Yes Hyperion hits hard but how long Hyperion can hit hard? Let’s fight boss rush goblin whose chip damage is really good on block. Hyperion wear off soon if player is not good fighter. While If kk is duped her furies are 9 seconds long. And sp1 gives up to 4 furies and you can hit 2 sp1 continuously and keep getting fury stacks and increase block proficiency (read stats ) which will help you survive fight longer than Hyperion at same time having increased attack from furies.

    I have her in 5* and there’s no regret . Trust me she’s got her part of game perfect.

    I can't help but laugh when I read this. Hyperion can continue to build Fury by using heavy attacks. In the amount of time it would take you to reach Khans L2 Hyperion would have already ended most fights.

    There is no comparison between the two. And yes, KK is completely useless. If you wanna rank champs by there Fury buffs, she's not even in the top 5. You're gonna have to try harder to convince anyone she is a heavy hitter when there is many who surpass her.

    Never said she’s a heavy hitter. My whole point you missed. She’s a survivor. And Hyperion doesn’t guarantee furies from heavy so it’s still a bummer for him. Don’t forget one permanent fury from kamla. Maybe it’s not much but still better and longer than Hyperion. Don’t think I’m a Hyperion hater I have him too and I love him but I also use kamla and can clearly see difference. And let me guess you never bother to fight with kamla any major quest. Maybe that goblin was a short fight my bad, let’s take lol champions and you will see difference in endurance. And I’m not convincing anyone just stating my point.
    Nope, 40% is not a guarantee. But we all know how easy it is to get him to 9 stacks of them before triggering an L2 which pretty much ends your average fight. Cosmic charges however are guaranteed since he has an insane power gain and reaching an L3 is something even the worst player can do. Who lasts longer in a fight? Well, cosmic charges build up resistance and can be used for regeneration. So thats a no brainer.

    Have I fought with KK? Absolutely, I actually make a point to use all my champs and determine my own idea of them rather than listen to someone else. Im not new to this game, I play the champ before I create an opinion of them.
  • tuposacptuposacp Member Posts: 165
    About charging furies from kk heavy like who’s gonna wait till you charge ? No one . Of course you first parry them. And they get removed from hits, isn’t whole point of fighting is NOT getting hit and ko opponent (unless you are using oml lol)
  • ForumGuyForumGuy Member Posts: 285 ★★
    And here you guys are making this thread stay alive with the whole hyperion and kk topic(they're not on the same level at all.... like not at all), enjoy your 5* kk.
  • tuposacptuposacp Member Posts: 165
    Yah may bad kept going about kk and hype. While there is imbalance. For example Thor uses armour break better than iron fist, well that kinda sucks. But the one really bugging me is that Ironman have spidy a suit which more kool and enhanced than iron man himself !?!? Hahaha cmon buff up iron man!
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★
    edited October 2017
    tuposacp wrote: »
    That’s not true that kamla is not good. Yes Hyperion hits hard but how long Hyperion can hit hard? Let’s fight boss rush goblin whose chip damage is really good on block. Hyperion wear off soon if player is not good fighter. While If kk is duped her furies are 9 seconds long. And sp1 gives up to 4 furies and you can hit 2 sp1 continuously and keep getting fury stacks and increase block proficiency (read stats ) which will help you survive fight longer than Hyperion at same time having increased attack from furies.

    I have her in 5* and there’s no regret . Trust me she’s got her part of game perfect.

    Many thanks for this. I have Hyperion as top champ. Going to test out KK.

    Glad to see this post.
    Special 1: Morpho-Punch
    This attack generates up to 4 stacks of Fury, each increasing Attack by 15% for 9 seconds.
    This Special Attack generates a random amount between 1 and 4 stacks of Fury.

    Special 2: Stretchy Cosmic Kick
    100% chance for Fury, increasing your Attack by 35% for 10 seconds.

    Special 3: Fake Out
    This attack has a 90% chance to grant a permanent Fury effect, increasing Attack by 35%.
    While this effect has an infinite duration, it can still be Nullified.
    This Fury can only be stacked once.

    Passive - Poison Immunity

    Passive - Deformation
    As the inexperienced Ms. Marvel gets to know her opponent’s fighting style, she better learns to alter her size and avoid incoming damage, increasing Block Proficiency by 5.5% for each Fury stack active.

    Heavy Attacks - Fury
    While charging her Heavy Attack, Ms. Marvel continually gains stacks of Fury, each increasing her Attack by 20% for 10 seconds. These stacks are lost as she is struck during combat.

    All Special Attacks
    While Ms. Marvel has 2 or more stacks of Fury, her Special Attacks each remove 2 stacks of her opponent’s Armor Up effects.

    Signature Ability - Morphogenetics
    Ms. Marvel starts to figure out this whole Contest thing, increasing her Fury durations by (2 - 7.5) seconds and increasing the Potency of her Fury effects by 10%.
    The duration increase is a flat amount on top of her existing Fury durations and stacks with Masteries and Nodes
    Potency is the overall strength of Kamala's Fury effects. This number does not scale with Signature Level.

    A good tactic to use with Kamala is to Parry her opponents and then begin charging a Heavy attack to gain the Fury stacks from the attack, getting into a good rhythm with this tactic can keep Kamala’s Fury count high, which grants her more Block Proficiency and Damage.

    Kamala Khan boasts some extremely high raw damage when under the effect of multiple Fury stacks, granting her high damage output during these windows. Players that can capitalize on this will be able to bring down their opponents quickly.
    Kamala also boasts a decent balance between attacking and defending, allowing her to take down tough paths in Alliance Quests, due to her Poison Immunity, strong Fury effects, and her Deformation to keep up her Block Proficiency.
  • K1lltasticK1lltastic Member Posts: 674 ★★★
    KK is terrible, but in no way should they nerf other champs to make her seem better. They should revamp her garbage setup from the ground, up, and just make her a useful champion, instead of trash.
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  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Lol it seems like you don't really understand the concept of balance, in order for there to balance the good champs need to be offset by equally bad champs . Since all champs can't be as good as starlord nor does the community want any champions to be nerfed bad champions existing is actually balancing the game not imbalancing it
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