There is huge imbalance in champions l

Yesterday i got a 5 star kamala khan this is my bad luck i know its obvious but this is not fare fora gameplay 5 star crystal is very rare there is lots of imbalance in champions like hyperion and kamla khan they both are from same class but there is a lot of diffrence yupp every champions has its own chracterstics but atleast for fare gameplay you should add something to kamala khan or remove somethinh grom hyperion why there is worst players and best in the game and why i allways get worst i have deadpool useless i have kamala khan both 4 and 5 star now am very sad when she appears
That’s not true that kamla is not good. Yes Hyperion hits hard but how long Hyperion can hit hard? Let’s fight boss rush goblin whose chip damage is really good on block. Hyperion wear off soon if player is not good fighter. While If kk is duped her furies are 9 seconds long. And sp1 gives up to 4 furies and you can hit 2 sp1 continuously and keep getting fury stacks and increase block proficiency (read stats ) which will help you survive fight longer than Hyperion at same time having increased attack from furies.
I have her in 5* and there’s no regret . Trust me she’s got her part of game perfect.
I can't help but laugh when I read this. Hyperion can continue to build Fury by using heavy attacks. In the amount of time it would take you to reach Khans L2 Hyperion would have already ended most fights.
There is no comparison between the two. And yes, KK is completely useless. If you wanna rank champs by there Fury buffs, she's not even in the top 5. You're gonna have to try harder to convince anyone she is a heavy hitter when there is many who surpass her.
However I disagree with the OP that we need to nerf hyperion. Kabam needs to improve kk. We've had enough nerfs in this game already
Never said she’s a heavy hitter. My whole point you missed. She’s a survivor. And Hyperion doesn’t guarantee furies from heavy so it’s still a bummer for him. Don’t forget one permanent fury from kamla. Maybe it’s not much but still better and longer than Hyperion. Don’t think I’m a Hyperion hater I have him too and I love him but I also use kamla and can clearly see difference. And let me guess you never bother to fight with kamla any major quest. Maybe that goblin was a short fight my bad, let’s take lol champions and you will see difference in endurance. And I’m not convincing anyone just stating my point.
If you're going to actually point someone to a punctuation guide, you should probably use proper punctuation yourself.
You forgot to mention cosmic charges, which also increases his attack and physical resistance
Have I fought with KK? Absolutely, I actually make a point to use all my champs and determine my own idea of them rather than listen to someone else. Im not new to this game, I play the champ before I create an opinion of them.
Many thanks for this. I have Hyperion as top champ. Going to test out KK.
Glad to see this post.