Too many 2*s

Im getting tired of saving units for crystals trying to open good champs like stark spidey to only get 2* champs. I haven’t opened a 4* champ from a phc in 6 months. It seems like every crystal I open is a 2* champ. This is why everyone feels like the game is rigged. I’m tired of seeing my son cry because he can’t get good champs. I love playing this game, I have for almost 2 years now. I’m just a few more 2* champs away from deleting this game for good. Kabam why not fix this problem that we all know you control to end this pointless frustration. Do you want people to walk away from this game? Do you just want us to buy more units so we can have more 2* champs? We all feel cheated kabam!


  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    Bro here's some useful math:
    Event Quest Heroic rewards: 800 4* shards
    Event Quest Master rewards: 2000 4* shards
    Basic Arena full milestone completion: 250-500 4* shards x 2 per week x 4 weeks per month= 2000-4000 4* shards
    Not even including AW rewards, that's 6800 4* shards in a month possible, not even including Story Quests or Special Quests or Challenge quests. That adds up to at least 3 4* champs easily, and depending on the basic champ you may get that as well (I know I snagged Iron Fist and Groot by accident). So, there's rigged, and then there's working for a payout. All I can tell you is I pulled 7 in the past 4 weeks, 3 from basic champ arenas (including iceman), none from a phc. So, you know, try. Good lesson for your kid.
  • HugsForEveryoneHugsForEveryone Member Posts: 82
    Lol “I’m tired of seeing my son cry because he can’t get good champs” r6sacyo67fp8.gif
  • uLqui0rauLqui0ra Member Posts: 76
    Unit for mastery or good promo like awaken gem.....ONLY..
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @Brad1013 the drop rate on PHC has always been terrible. I only open them when I have 50-100 these days. Usually get a 4* out of a batch of 100, but don't really care. As others have said there are better ways to get 4*s
  • Brad1013Brad1013 Member Posts: 2
    I agree there are better ways to get 4* champs. I wish I had more time to complete all the monthly event quest on harder settings as well as arena grinding. Some people like me just don’t have the time to do all that so buying units can sometimes pay off. I bought 4 wall crawler crystals and pulled a 4* spidey stark. That will probably never happen again and it’s only happens once in the two years I’ve been playing. I’m just saying kabam should stop being greedy when it come to open rates for featured crystals. I’ve told my son several times not to buy them but he’s 7 and just wants good champs.
  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    Your son is 7? And playing this game? eff that, tell him to go out side and play like a normal kid.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    Yes its true u can get more than ATLEAST 1 4* A WEEK

    i opened 180 and I didn't get a single 4*

    that LESS, LESS , LESS THAN 1%

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