Looking for Map 5, Consistent Gold AW
Member Posts: 110 ★
IGN: DeezNuts021
10k+ Prestige
1 rank 3 6 star with a few more in the works right now, including some good defenders.
Currently Thronebreaker, done an initial clear of all of act 7 with the first chapter 100% and working on the second right now, just doing it slowly to minimize item use.
Add me in game if interested in having me in ur alliance. I have both Line and Discord. Looking for chill group of people to put in the work and clear map 5 every day and push some good AW during the season.
Thank you!
10k+ Prestige
1 rank 3 6 star with a few more in the works right now, including some good defenders.
Currently Thronebreaker, done an initial clear of all of act 7 with the first chapter 100% and working on the second right now, just doing it slowly to minimize item use.
Add me in game if interested in having me in ur alliance. I have both Line and Discord. Looking for chill group of people to put in the work and clear map 5 every day and push some good AW during the season.
Thank you!
Map 6, plat 4 alliance, lots of experienced old timers, looking for one more active player in time for next season. Add me in Line (Icebaby76) if you want to chat