New labyrinth-like quest for 100% exploration giving a six-star champion

for six star coming to the game, and most (all) of the players are not happy with that. main reason is that people feel like, those 4 & 5 stars they fought their ases off to get, suddenly become underrated.
it took us usually about 1.5 month, to get 10k shards for a five star, and the prerequisite is that you are active and your alliance has a high rating of winning wars and high score at summoner advancement and you occasionally spend units buying grandmaster crystal. let's assume each 10k 5* shards give us a duped 5 star, and give you good luck at GM crystals, which means 1 month for 275 6* shards. so to get 10k 6*shards, it will take us 36.4 months, which is 3 years. And i believe the game itself is maybe only 3-year-old.

SO! I suggest, like labyrinth of legends, kabam could came up with a labyrinth-like quest, for rewarding 100% exploration a six-star champion crystal OR a specific-not-too-bad six star, directly.



  • GegriftGegrift Member Posts: 14
    I’ve completed rol and labyrinth and I think they should gift at least a 6 star for hard efforts. Ultron Maybe?? Or possibly the collector
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Gegrift wrote: »
    I’ve completed rol and labyrinth and I think they should gift at least a 6 star for hard efforts. Ultron Maybe?? Or possibly the collector

    Lol you want kabam to give you a champion that can 1 hit KO everything
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    No way mate. No way
  • tuposacptuposacp Member Posts: 165
    Chill out sir , why do you think they introduced 6*? Of course for new content. Since boss rush was testing they are still in beta and can’t be playable. So when they OFFICIALLY add them AS playable character that would be proper introduction and new lol 2.0 will be on the edge. Until that have fun. May the rng be with you!
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    If they release a new labyrinth quest it will not be anytime soon. When LoL becomes more available, and when more people complete it, then they can consider releasing a new end-game quest
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