Who to rank up for %100 EQ's on cavailer and variants

I want to be able to %100 EQ's on cavailer and variants without spending units. Which champ i should rank up? I also have skill and mystic awakening gem
My roster: https://prnt.sc/okgdOC_XzmhB
My roster: https://prnt.sc/okgdOC_XzmhB
Do i need to awaken him? I was planning to keep my skill awakening gem for nick fury if a ever get one.
He doesn't need his awakening, but I enjoy it a lot. It's only useful though against incinerate immune or when his bat isn't ignited. I also suggested Masacre for you goal of 100% EQ because your skill roster looks like it's lacking the most for cav EQ.
Not knowing where you are in questing, I'd also rank up Ultron [double regen saves potions/revives], Hyperion [once awakened], Hela [if you can play her, she has insane damage] and white mags [I use him more than red mags because of his pre-fight].
I really like white mag too the pre fight abilities are really usefull i can use him without rankink up for now
I know how strong hyperion is and Idk much about hela but i already have 2 good cosmic characters maxed already.I direly need a skill character. So you convinced me to rank up massacare ty for the suggestions and explanations