Summoner Advancement Reward

Heyy peeps, just wanna ask. Why i didn't get any rewards through summoner advancement. This problems been distracted me so long. Need your explaination.


  • italian_treeitalian_tree Member Posts: 79
    Cuz you don't do enough points, that's the problem
  • Hustler07Hustler07 Member Posts: 3
    Is there any minimum point to earn it?
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,304 ★★★★★
    Are you in alliance? I assume yes?
    The points cutoffs can be 110k, 130k, 160k and 265k.

    You are able to see the cutoff by going to the Alliance event, rewards tab.
  • SCARESCARE Member Posts: 149
    sometimes it takes the forever to do summoner advancement but if you still havent gotten anything. It could be either two things 1. you didnt earn enough to get anything 2. kabams end. Thats all i got for you hope it helps.
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