AW: GOLD1 / AQ: 6.6.6 Master & Epic Mods Looking to recruit one Active Member!

Hey guys, our alliance is looking to recruit 1 new member before AW starts. We run 6.6.6 W/ Epic/master mods.. We’ve been attempting to push Map7 so members with map 7 experience would be a plus. We are currently Gold1 but bordering Platinum. Need someone who can handle the content and keeps up with there paths. Thrownbreaker would be ideal but if you think you can handle everything we would consider you. Our alliance is “ Skrull Armada “

Line app is a must for communication. My line ID is “ Joep22662266 “. If interested message me on line with screenshots of your top champs


  • SkubaSteveSkubaSteve Member Posts: 8
    Still looking for one!
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Yeah pal still looking!
  • SkubaSteveSkubaSteve Member Posts: 8
    Another opening
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Yeah trying to fill a spot before the start of AQ!
  • Triston10Triston10 Member Posts: 6
    How’s the activity in the alliance?
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Our guys are pretty active. We usually always 100% our maps. We do realize people have lives outside the game so we ask if you have something going on like vacation or something give us a heads up. If we don’t get a heads up and your inactive we will replace you.
  • DejniDejni Member Posts: 5
    still you looking ,i prefer and map7
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Yes we are bud.. AQ starts in an hour or so.. Send me a screenshot of your champs and I’ll get you in
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Looking to pick up 1 after AQ ends and the rewards drop.. As it stands we are Ranked 44 for Gold1.. Trying to push platinum so Tier5/4 map experience is a must.. Send me a message on my line ID above
  • HdrvHdrv Member Posts: 61
    Are you still looking?
    My in game name is HDRV
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