Which Class should I focus on improving?

Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
edited April 2022 in Strategy and Tips
So, the below is a list of all my Maxed out 5*'s and Rank 2 6*'s. Where am I potentially lacking and should focus on improving?
For info, I am Cavalier and have put off trying for Thronebreaker for ages due to time constraints and other life factors, but I'm ready to go for it now.

6* Masacre - Sig 22
5* Blade - Max Sig
5* Aegon - Max Sig
5* Black Widow (DO) - Sig 140
5* Kingpin - Sig Locked
5* Hit-Monkey - Sig Locked

5* Doctor Doom - Max Sig
5* Black Widow (CV) - Sig 80
5* Longshot - Sig 40
5* Mordo - Sig 60
5* Mangog - Sig 40
5* Magik - Sig 140

5* Colossus - Max Sig
5* Omega Red - Sig 100
5* Sunspot - Sig 20
5* Professor X - Sig 20
5* Red Magneto - Sig Locked
5* X-23 - Sig Locked

6* Guilly2099 - Sig Locked
6* Warlock - Sig Locked
5* Spider-Man (Stark Suit) - Sig 160
5* Warlock - Sig 60
5* Ghost - Sig 160

6* Venom - Sig Locked
5* Captain Marvel Movie - Sig 100
5* Medusa - Sig 40
5* CGR - Sig Locked
5* Hyperion - Sig 60
5* Corvus Glaive - Sig 20
5* Odin - Sig Locked

5* Red Hulk - Sig 160
6* Red Hulk - Sig 20
5* Captain America (IW) - Max Sig
5* M.O.D.O.K - Sig 40
5* Void - Sig 40
5* Thing - Sig 40
5* Red Guardian - Sig 20

Thanks for any advice.

Which Class should I focus on improving? 10 votes

DRTOGr8TonyStarkwillrun4adonutLucifireRatedSViper 5 votes
Renaxqq 1 vote
Fabwizi 1 vote
MysterioNoise72 2 votes
shield456 1 vote
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • edited April 2022
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  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    Lucifire said:

    Skill, followed by Science.

    Having someone like Nick Fury at rank 5 makes a HUGE difference in a Cav player's account. That being said, he isn't the only skill champ worth ranking up. Shang chi, Xbones and Mole Man are all amazing options to grow your account.

    As for your science roster, someone like Torch can be a game changer. Is he absolutely necessary? No. But imagine one champ being able to shut down an entire class. Mr Fantastic, Spidey99 and Miles are also some of the champs one benefits a lot from having ranked up

    Thanks for the advice. I'm still waiting on my 5/6* Nick Fury, Shang-Chi & Human Torch though!!! :'(:'(:'( Lol
    Fingers crossed for some good luck soon. 🍀🍀
  • shield456shield456 Member Posts: 1,980 ★★★
    I'd say science becoz I only find void ad a usable out there, u will need better options like ht like @Lucifire said,rest classes seem to be balanced, cosmic having corvus and cgr, skill also as it needs nick
  • edited April 2022
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  • Noise72Noise72 Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    Nimrod or Sentinel specifically. Need some better mutant slayers.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    shield456 said:

    I'd say science becoz I only find void ad a usable out there, u will need better options like ht like @Lucifire said,rest classes seem to be balanced, cosmic having corvus and cgr, skill also as it needs nick

    I still don't have Human Torch unfortunately, but I do find Red Hulk and Cap IW to be extremely useful in a lot of scenarios. I also don't have NF. I need some good luck for my next pulls! 😂
    Noise72 said:

    Nimrod or Sentinel specifically. Need some better mutant slayers.

    I have a 5* Rank 2 Nimrod that I recently pulled, but haven't focused any resources on yet. But I do have a 6* Sentinel that I have taken to Rank 2 this morning. He is slowly becoming a new favourite of mine.
    shield456 said:

    I'd say science becoz I only find void ad a usable out there, u will need better options like ht like @Lucifire said,rest classes seem to be balanced, cosmic having corvus and cgr, skill also as it needs nick

    Lucifire said:

    shield456 said:

    I'd say science becoz I only find void ad a usable out there, u will need better options like ht like @Lucifire said,rest classes seem to be balanced, cosmic having corvus and cgr, skill also as it needs nick

    CapIW, Red Hulk, Thing and Red Guardian are all good champs tho lol. CapIW is arguably a lot better than Void, who has significantly fallen off
    Definitely agree that these other science champs, while not everyone's favourite, have proven very useful for me and helped me get through some difficult content.
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