IAJSR - 200M AQ - Silver 1 AW

IAJSR is seeking a few active players to join our team.
We currently run AQ maps 5/4/4x5. We could probably step it up in difficulty, but unfortunately we've had several players retire from the game lately, so we're not at full strength, and taking things conservatively.
We also run 1 AW BG, in season only, and have placed silver 1 for as long as I can remember.
We take things very easy in IAJSR. No requirements for 3rd party communication apps. No expectations of item use in AW. While we are laid back, we're also not looking for starter accounts. I'd like any interested parties to be level 60. Prestige isn't important to us though.
Honestly, the only expectations we have are to participate in AQ every day. We're obviously aware that real life takes precedence, and school/work or vacations can detract occasionally, we just don't want it to become a pattern.
Besides that, it's just to be kind and cool with everyone. We all share advice on content and counters, and have a genuinely good time playing together.
We currently have 3 openings, but if there's a slightly larger group of you looking for a new home, drop me a note and let's chat. There may be some wiggle room, as I think we probably have a couple more players that are on the brink of throwing in the towel as well.
You can reach me her on the forums, or in game, SOCOMse.
Happy Grinding!
We currently run AQ maps 5/4/4x5. We could probably step it up in difficulty, but unfortunately we've had several players retire from the game lately, so we're not at full strength, and taking things conservatively.
We also run 1 AW BG, in season only, and have placed silver 1 for as long as I can remember.
We take things very easy in IAJSR. No requirements for 3rd party communication apps. No expectations of item use in AW. While we are laid back, we're also not looking for starter accounts. I'd like any interested parties to be level 60. Prestige isn't important to us though.
Honestly, the only expectations we have are to participate in AQ every day. We're obviously aware that real life takes precedence, and school/work or vacations can detract occasionally, we just don't want it to become a pattern.
Besides that, it's just to be kind and cool with everyone. We all share advice on content and counters, and have a genuinely good time playing together.
We currently have 3 openings, but if there's a slightly larger group of you looking for a new home, drop me a note and let's chat. There may be some wiggle room, as I think we probably have a couple more players that are on the brink of throwing in the towel as well.
You can reach me her on the forums, or in game, SOCOMse.
Happy Grinding!