What rarity of alliance do u think is fitting for me?

Like, Gold 1 2 3, Platinum...

So there u can see some photos that can help u answer, also consider me an Advanced Thronebreaker, I might be Cav but that's just beacuse i want it. I can r3 8 6* champs now but I'm waiting for exactly more 7 days because it'll be 1 year since I became UC and then I'll r3 champs, become TB and 100% act 7. So according to my progression and roaster and all what Alliance rate do u think I should be in? Am I good enough for Platinum 4, 3, or not? Which rarity?

So there u can see some photos that can help u answer, also consider me an Advanced Thronebreaker, I might be Cav but that's just beacuse i want it. I can r3 8 6* champs now but I'm waiting for exactly more 7 days because it'll be 1 year since I became UC and then I'll r3 champs, become TB and 100% act 7. So according to my progression and roaster and all what Alliance rate do u think I should be in? Am I good enough for Platinum 4, 3, or not? Which rarity?
But r3ing max 8 champs at once needs alot of resources.
The competition has gone up alot , Most of the allies demand r3 defenders or atleast solid r2 defenders.
I recommend you to join a gold ally for the time , work on your 6 star roster and then next season try for P4 ally and see if it works.