50 Mil, Map 6, Gold 1 Ally LF multiple experienced players

Hello again. I seem to be posting consistently in the past 24 hours. I am about to have a shake up in my Alliance. I could potentially have as few as 2 spots open up to as many as 4/5 spots open up once this current AQ cycle ends on Monday April 18th.

What are we you may ask?

Map 6x5 in all 3 BGs with Epic/Master Modifiers.
Weekly score of 420-430 million
Ranking in top 950- 1050.

AW- 3bg War
Gold 1 currently
Tier 7.
Goal maintain Gold 1 while improving the rank inside Gold 1 to top 50-100. Currently we were ranked number 650
War is as Stress Free as possible. Does each death count, yes it does but does each officer harp on their teammates about it absolutely not! We try to help each other grow and get better so as long as you ask for help we will gladly give it but it's up to you as a player if you take it or not.
We do expect you to use your items but never at the cost of burning through Units or real Money. This can be explained in further detail if you would like.

Why am I looking for replacements you may be asking.
1. Lack of proper communication with each teammate within a BG. This grinds myself and my 9 officers gears when there is no communication. We understand IRL to Game balance as we all are Adults working 40 hours or more a week, with families and some doing college courses on top of all that. So if you communicate all is well but if you communicate very little to none at all that doesn't fly with us.
2. Constant late joins- 10 to 12 hours for both AQ and AW. It's getting old and frustrating
3. A player and sometimes a couple players undermining leaderships decisions or constantly questioning it instead of taking the answer given to them for that question repeatedly asking the question in a different way if that makes sense.

What I am looking for

Experienced map 6 players or players ready to go from Map 5 to Map6

Great communication and activity

Timezone does not matter
Prestige does not matter
Roster size does matter in regards to this- you must have at the very least 5 rank 5 Five star champs or a mix of 5 rank 1 to rank 2 Six star champs that can be placed on defense while having at least 6 more champs available to for AQ and AW attack purposes

You must want and understand teamwork. Teamwork makes the Dreamwork.

You must have Line. I will not answer any messages here on the forums or in game.

If you wish to view my Alliance you can look me up in game under zbot34

My line id is zbot34. Please contact me if you are interested in my Alliance. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
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