I just did this one today. I used Shang-Chi and She-Hulk I believe for this path boosted. She-Hulk was nice because she kept him and Dr strange throwing their specials.
I’d rather fight 6.2 champ with 2* than do that path or even GM with 2* Bcs I either have too many or too little and if there was a cheese to the path I would use it immediately because it’s extremely annoying and keeping me from exploring 7.4
I honestly feel the path should be nerfed a bit because I feel that’s one of the hardest things in act 7 even some stuff from act 6 seems easier than that
The cheese is kingpin with mr. Sinister synergy… he can fully solo that path fully boosted. Just get the first 3 paradox after that the game is over. You can restart that path until you can gain full control from dragon master
I just can’t I honestly should give up I’m not looking to revive through heals I don’t mind but not revives but this just has me thinking of act 6 again and I honestly don’t want to go back to that this path with taunt me forever and I won’t have a r4 for awhile thx for the help anyways
She hulk will do most of it dragonman easy after awhile rocket viz and strange east and I’m on longshot he is annoying but can be done easily if played right but overall easy once you learn the path